Day of rest?

NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
I am doing a program right now that gives me one "rest" day each week.
Do you take a rest day? I was thinking about just walking... not sure though.


  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    I take one day for a rest day. It's usually Sundays for me. I count it as a rest day, but I may do some light to moderate cleaning, or light walking. I try no to push myself and really relax on my rest day. Believe it or not, it actually helps me mentally prepare for Mondays! LOL
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I take two days off from exercise every week.
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I take two days off a week as well. Always Sunday, and usually Friday. Depending on how hard your workouts are, you need a rest day to recover or use that day to do some really light workouts.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I am trying to run every day (28 days in a row now). Two or three of those days a week are at a slower pace for recovery.