new member needs help on exercise

I have been on here for a couple of months but i've never introduced myself. My name is Angela and i'm a mother of 3. I've let my self go for years and i realized i've become a very unhealthy person as far as weight goes. I started out at 269.8 pounds and i'm currently at 228.4 pounds. I have a very long way to go I could use all the help that I can get. I need to lose 100 more pounds. I do my treadmill everyday for 70 minutes and burn around 530 calories. I have to do it everyday because if I miss one day it will turn into a week. Does anyone know of any stomach and arm exercises? The only thing I know to do is my treadmill if anyone has any suggestions on exercises I would appreciate it. Thanks, Angela::flowerforyou:


  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Do exercise videos sound like something you'd be interested in doing? I bet your local library has a lot of them. There are some geared toward weights, and pilates would help with core strength.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    try loads of good tips on there plus videos on how to do them properly. I think the best are usually squats or lunges for the legs, get your self some small hand dumbells and learn to use them infront of the TV for your arms!
  • jcoltx
    jcoltx Posts: 14
    You could get yourself some hand weights and maybe a resistance band and start doing some simple arm exercises with the weights whilst walking on the treadmill.

    This link might help with ideas of what to do with the weights whilst walking on the treadmill.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    I have Zumba for my Wii. It's super easy to follow....even if u can't dance (like me) and it gives ur middle section a wicked awesome workout. I also haven't gone out to buy hand weights yet, so I use canned corn! works just as well :bigsmile:
  • slcoree
    slcoree Posts: 6 Member
    I absolutely love The biggest loser challange for the wii! I recommend it to anyone. It helps with every part of the body or you can select to target certain parts.
  • luba206
    luba206 Posts: 1
    Hi! My name is Aimee. I just joined this past weekend and I love the site. I also treadmill but you far surpass me in how long you go. I'm working my way back up there. I have 60 pounds to lose. I did the P90X and loved it, and they have tons of excersices. Also the biggest loser workouts do as well. You do need to get youself some weights. I recommend 5, 8 and 10 pound weights, two of each. or the resistant bands. Find a video that has workouts for just arms or just use that portion of the video and fast forward through the rest. After a while you won't need the video, you'll know the excercises.

    Hope this helps.
  • jcoltx
    jcoltx Posts: 14
    You can do squats and lunges on the treadmill too. squats by putting feet each side off of the moving belt and doing some squats, then back on to walk...repeat. Lunges, you can do walking lunges on the treadmill...just remember to slow it down a bit!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    ive lost loads from my arms on 30day shred dvd:smile:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Have you tried the 30 day shred with Jillian Micheals? It's a good workout dvd, because it has 3 levels. It also has 2 different girls doing the exercises and one is more for beginners. Good luck : )
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    I am right there with you treadmill everyday if I miss a day I get complacent. But I do like to throw in some 30 day shred by Jillian michaels I bought the dvd at Target for under $15 and it is a nice change of pace and I have really seen a difference in my stomach area I have made 6" disappear doing that dvd. She really pushes you hard for a video workout. I recommend it!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Have you considered joining a gym? Lifestyle Family Fitness, for example, has a ton of equipment and offers some free personal training sessions with new memberships. It might be worth checking something like that out, even if only for a couple months to check out things other than the treadmill (such as the elliptical and arc trainer, which can burn 500 calories in half an hour if you set it right) and learning other exercises.

    For abs, things like crunches, forearm planks (pushup position, except on your forearms instead of hands), and Pilates are great at that. If you find weight training too tedious, you could check out Yoga, Pilates, or bellydance classes in your area, all of which are great for all-around muscle and core training.
  • saxonlady
    saxonlady Posts: 1
    Hi Angela,
    WOW! - you have done so well to lose so much weight - I bet you feel fantastic.
    I would definately recommend breast-stroke swimming for the arms and tummy (as well as for thighs, neck, shoulders etc.). Get some goggles, nose and earpiece and just jump in. No-one takes any notice as they are worried about how they themselves appear to others.
    If you'd rather stay at home then doing 'wall-press-ups' with your feet shoulder width apart and building up the reps and distance stood from wall is good.
    Keep it up and the rest of the weight will soon be gone.
    Debs X
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I started out using my treadmill too. I don't know how you feel about DVDs, but there are a ton of them out there. I like the 30 day shred it does your whole body for toning.

    I know you mentioned specifically tummy, but you should work on toning your whole body and buildig muscle too. You are doing great. Keep up the good work.
  • kate1975
    kate1975 Posts: 31
    Wow how do you manage to fit 70 minutes treadmill into your day lol well done you! I was at the gym the other day talking to the fitness trainer and I was telling him my work out plan. When I told him I was planning on doing 60 minutes on the treadmill he said if it was for running endurance great but if it was for fat burning I'm just giving my self punishment! I asked him to explain and he said the fastest way to burn calories is to warm up then mid pace for 10 mins then every 2 minutes as fast as you can for 1 minute then back down to mid pace. He said 60 mins = 540 cals and paced workout for 30 would equal same or more ( please note cals burned were figures plucked out of the air for example) hope that made sense and helps. X good luck with your weight loss journey. X x