Slow losses - let's get this thing going!

Hi there,
I had lost 3.5 stone by following slimming World (the only 'diet' I've ever done), however, I have slowly gained half a stone since October, despite restarting the gym and taking up long distance hiking (up to 25 miles a day). I still have a good 3 stone to lose, have been eating very healthily, and am more active than ever before, so I am mucho p*ssed off that weight is creeping on. I'm now thinking that I have to change my way of eating, even though I've been happy on SW for three years,. I don't eat meat and don't have a sweet or fatty tooth, so theoretically, I can't understand how I ever ended up so large - and now I'm at a complete and total loss as to why my weight has stuck and is creeping back on :.(((
I had always accepted my losses were going to be slow, as I had a healthy lifestyle and diet anyway, and was fine with losing a stone a year. Three years and this kick in the teeth down the line - I'm sick of being patient, and I want this lard *kitten* gone NOW!
Hoping I can maybe find the key in here.


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I'm going to cut carbs (lower!) this month. Join me?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    By the way, for all the Americans out there (of which I am one), one stone = 14 pounds :) (I'm not trying to leave out the Canadians here - I don't know if you needed that translation or not!)

    So since October (7 months or so), you've gained 7 pounds but say that you are still eating well. My guess is that with this new activity, you are gaining muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat, so it weighs more than the same volume of fat. Having more muscle means that you are burning more calories, even at rest. Thus my guess is that you've still lost fat but gained muscle, and you've gained more muscle than lost fat.

    As such, you should still be losing weight, especially since packing on the pounds of muscle is slow while fat loss is quick (at least relative to the rate at which you would gain muscle).

    Take a true look at your eating and fine-tune it if it needs it. If your eating is spot on, then try shaking it up a bit and varying your calorie intake from day to day. So say one day you eat 1200, the next day 1300, the next day 1250, etc.

    Also, try eating more fresh fruits and veggies if you aren't already, as opposed to pre-packaged foods. I'll admit to eating a lot of pre-packaged stuff since I don't have a lot of time to shop for and prep food, and I'm sure it won't take long to catch up to me. Pre-packaged foods tend to have a lot of salt and/or other preservatives, and you'll probably feel better overall with the fresh foods anyhow!

    I hope you find what works for you. Good luck!
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    Wow, thanks for your replies :)

    Sorry, shoulda said, I'm in Scotland, I didn't realise this was primarily US site :0)

    I know my eating is bang on perfect as far as Slimming World is concerned, and it certainly strikes me as a very healthy way of eating. Since I noticed my losses were slowing to nothing, I have been keeping a detailed food diary, so have noted every mouthful since 1st January this year. I can see a few days when I guess I could have been 'better', but over all I can't imagine much healthier eating habits :,( I eat tons of fruit and veg, fresh, frozen and tinned - some days I have around >80% fruit/veg, with just some form of Quorn, a wee bit of fish, or maybe some pasta or whole wheat bread. I rarely use prepacked foods, partly as I'm tight with money (I did say I was Scottish ;)), but mainly cos I don't enjoy them, and the additives and salt levels concern me a little. Since doing SW I very rarely eat out, so hidden dressings and things aren't an issue....

    I do enjoy weekly/monthly challenges, so, yup, I will look to cut carbs down as much as possible. I do love pasta, and have already switched to wholewheat stuff, and eating half the portions I usually would (which weren't excessive anyway, I don't think) - but I will try to avoid it totally for a week, and then have as little as I can for the rest of the month. Worth a go, huh? Any suggestions for low/no carb fibre. I eat alot of veg, so any in particular I should be sure and get lots of?

    I'm loving the food diaries on here, and am truley hoping that by filling them in I will notice something :) I have/had put totaly trust in SW, but I'm being forced to doubt it now :(

    Excited about getting to know you all, thanks for having me!