how many calories do 'YOU' aim to burn for work outs?



  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    I always try to aim for at least 500-600 calories burned. From what everyone says ellipticals can overestimate calorie burned by 20%. So if I know I want to burn 500 calories I just aim to burn 20% more so I feel confident that I actually burned 500 calories.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I approach this a different way, both when I was a lifter and now as a triathlete. Construct or just follow a premade training plan. Execute that training plan. Trust the plan. Build your diet around it. No matter what your "burn" is for the day you can always manage your caloric intake to fit into whatever goals you have whether it be bulking or cutting.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i like the idea of about 500 per day/ but i dont always get my wish.
  • alex_dale
    1500 per workout
  • stablesong
    I try to burn at least ten calories per minute on the elliptical, but in my "zone" I usually average at least 12 or more. Typically I will try to burn at least 200 on lighter workout days (15-20 minutes of cardio plus strength) and 350-400+ on heavier days (35+ minutes of cardio, sometimes strength). Today I did like 27 minutes of the elliptical and burned 375 plus a ten minute walk on the treadmill to cool down, 50 cals. So my total is 425. If I burn a lot, I have trouble eating it back. Today I am having that problem.

    I just try to get nice round numbers, multiples of fives, for calories. I don't care if I work out for 37 minutes and 19 seconds as long as my calories burned is a normal number.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't really measure my workouts in terms of calories. I eat the calories earned, but I'm more concerned with improving performance, whether it's lifting heavier weight, going deeper in a yoga pose, increasing intensity of a cardio workout, or just increasing the duration of an activity.
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    I think anything above 20 minutes is at least a small workout. However, I try for 45 minutes to and hour on the exercise bike which burns 400-650 calories. That's what I shoot for.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I burn 300 but thats because i dont want to try to eat back all those cals I burn 300 is doable every workout session...but hey if I feel like going longer I definitely do!
  • ShalisaClam
    I try and exercise the amount of calories I'm planning on having at breakfast. Weird? I think it kinda keeps a balance. It's not exact, but close most days. And I do eat back my exercise cals, most of them anyway.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I aim for atleast 300 calories a workout.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    im the same i always try and set out a certain amount of calories, although i know i should be focused on time and intensity to imporve fitness etc. but im very light so i dont really burn as many as i would like. my HR monitor tells me i burn between 600 - 1100 in a 60 - 80 min sesh, but i mean im working out hard, i run uphill for 10k. i do my 10 k in like 40 mins or less with a medium gradient (between 4 - 8% varying during the run). so it makes sense i also do stair climbing. i mean im working out within 85% of my max heart rate for pretty much the whole sesion. im comfortable to do that because im a personal trainer and i know my body well and my limitations. but the calories are always on my mind!!!!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I usually aim for 300-500 depending on the workout. This is per what the machine tells me...I really need to pick up a HRM soon!
  • darbobo
    I'm in the military so we run every morning 5 days a week and I do P90x in the evening when I get home. I always wear an HRM, so I always burn 1000+ calories 6 days a week between them both.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I burn on a short day about 125 calories if I walk a mile but on a longer day w/ cardio and strength I burn 700 calories.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    i typically try to burn off my last meal especially if it was something i shouldn't have been eating
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I aim to burn enough to justify a 600cal dinner... typically 300+
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I aim to burn my breakfast and half my lunch depending on what was for lunch. I hope for 500 in an hour of half jog and half walk. I like to have 1000 cals for dinner.LOL
  • diggly
    diggly Posts: 29 Member
    For me, it's around 450 for 45 minutes per day on the elliptical according to my HRM. I only do it 5 days/week though.

    I'm also 5'6" and around 130 lbs
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Usually between 500 and 1500 calories, depending on the workout. Most of the time its around 1000.
  • harriet_tubman
    I use a bodymedia fit to monitor my calories burned, which has made me aim for a daily total calories burned goal instead of just during a work out. I aim for no less than 3660 per day (unless it's Friday and it's my cheat day) but I usually go over (and sometimes by A LOT).