Can i just ask..

I exercised and burnt roughly 680 calories in all and am on 1200 calories ... so I had quite a lot to still eat this evening. I wanted to know if it was ok to have a child size bar of 95 calories as I have around 300 or so calories to burn still? I am still getting used to this and i saw someone's post who had quite a few calories to burn and had to fight not to cave in to a fun size bar of chocolate? i just thought it was all in moderation? Im probably wrong....


  • angelaplaxton
    No No junk. lol another girl asked if she could eat chips. no no no.
    This is a new lifestyle you want right? and where did it go when you ate what you ate before?
    why give it to your body again? Look at it this way..
    It's your old self telling you to give in to the bad things, and your body's telling you that you can't do it. and that you're weak.
    Are you Weak?

    Never give up!! Eat a JINORMOUS bowl of FRUIT!!!! trust me... and keep doing that till you dont want that other stuff anymore!
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I started eating my calories back....and yep...lost weight! go for it!! But I must say.. i TRY (note TRY) to stay away from the sweets, because I go over board!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    one candy bar will not kill you!!!If you can control yourself with it and use moderation you will be fine.
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    I absolutely believe in everything in moderation. If it's something you are craving, you have the calories left to fit it in, go for it! Just make sure it doesn't become a daily thing and that you still have room for all those good fruits and veggies that your body needs. :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Are you just wanting one small candy bar then I would say yea eat if you want. It's ok to do every once in awhile just don't over do it. Moderation is the key.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Yes! Have the fun size bar! This is about moderation, not about deprivation!
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    I say yes. You worked hard for it!
  • rocky03
    rocky03 Posts: 55
    everything in moderation I say...
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Of course you can have treats. Just eat responsibly -- make sure you have small portions and burn the calories off. Who wants to go the rest of their lives never eating chocolate again?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    No No junk. lol another girl asked if she could eat chips. no no no.
    This is a new lifestyle you want right? and where did it go when you ate what you ate before?
    why give it to your body again? Look at it this way..
    It's your old self telling you to give in to the bad things, and your body's telling you that you can't do it. and that you're weak.
    Are you Weak?

    Never give up!! Eat a JINORMOUS bowl of FRUIT!!!! trust me... and keep doing that till you dont want that other stuff anymore!

    um, disagree with this. My motto is everything in moderation. If you have a craving and have the calories AND it won't send you into a death spiral of eating treats non-stop I say have the treat. What I have found is some of those treats aren't worth it anymore either in the calorie cost or that they don't taste as good but saying you will never have another chip or candy bar is setting yourself up for failure IMHO.
  • abroughton1978
    ummmmm, this is a lifestyle change. You can't just tell yourself you cannot eat anything like that ever again! Moderation, eat back, stay within your calories and make good healthy choices! One small bar isn't going to kill you, a whole bag might! You know yourself best to determine if you can indeed eat one or two! I have to keep dark chocolate on hand for those cravings. Better give into the craving within moderation rather than screw it all up not curbing the crave! Good luck!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    GO for it. Great exercising! We can still eat what we want -- the key is just to be mindful.
  • sosborne73
    sosborne73 Posts: 106
    I say go for it. I don't totally restrict myself from anything because if, I do then I will stop wanting to be healthier. Moderation is the key at least for me.
  • fishermanwife
    if you have calories left to eat then go for it, i feel that if i dont eat what i want within moderation that i will just end up giving up and binge eating and that would be horrible i havent cut anything out of my diet totally just started cutting back and keeping it under my calories and i have been losing weight, good luck
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    No No junk. lol another girl asked if she could eat chips. no no no.

    Sorry but every once and a while it's fine... not everyone likes to deprive themselves.
  • abroughton1978
    No No junk. lol another girl asked if she could eat chips. no no no.
    This is a new lifestyle you want right? and where did it go when you ate what you ate before?
    why give it to your body again? Look at it this way..
    It's your old self telling you to give in to the bad things, and your body's telling you that you can't do it. and that you're weak.
    Are you Weak?

    Never give up!! Eat a JINORMOUS bowl of FRUIT!!!! trust me... and keep doing that till you dont want that other stuff anymore!

    That is a little rigid, don't you think? What about moderation, staying within your calories and choosing healthy choices. I know for me, if I am craving a bite of chocolate, a small piece of dark chocolate kills the urge and keeps me satisfied. If I don't, I try other fillers and only end up eating more than I should trying to curb it....just a thought and consideration. Good Luck!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    No No junk. lol another girl asked if she could eat chips. no no no.
    This is a new lifestyle you want right? and where did it go when you ate what you ate before?
    why give it to your body again? Look at it this way..
    It's your old self telling you to give in to the bad things, and your body's telling you that you can't do it. and that you're weak.
    Are you Weak?

    Never give up!! Eat a JINORMOUS bowl of FRUIT!!!! trust me... and keep doing that till you dont want that other stuff anymore!

    Yeeaaaaa. In my experience with dieting, having a bit of fun here and there is perfectly fine. Changing your life style doesnt mean never having chocolate again (in fact I have chocolate in some form most everyday :smile: )

    Seriously, you aren't ever going to have junk food again ever? Don't you like happiness?
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Moderation is key. One 95 calorie chocolate is not going to hurt you in any way shape or form. If you want to go for a healthier option - go for the dark chocolate (80% cocoa or higher). Most docs will now even advice you eat one square of dark chocolate a day!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Go ahead and eat it. Depriving yourself of something will only make you want it more. And you'll eat a ton of other calories trying to soothe the craving. So, eat one and move on.

    No, you shouldn't workout so you can eat chocolate, candy, etc but eating it in moderation is better, IMO, than eating 1000 calories of something else trying to get rid of that craving.

    When I reallly crave something - I eat it. I eat the serving size and that's it. I log the calories and move on. I've gone the route of "I'm not going to eat such and such" and all I do is eat MORE because I want it sooo bad and I can't distract my brain from that desire to eat it.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    For some people it could start a sugar/shame spiral. Can you say, "I earned this!" and stop at one?

    In my opinion, that's one of the main reasons for exercise -- so you can eat the occasional treat. I'm really looking forward to starting my bicycle commuting with the warm weather because it means that I can have an ice cream cone some times in the summer.

    If I thought that I couldn't ever eat chocolate again, I would give up. So for me: treats = sustainability. In moderation.