lose weight with out exercise?

lkm28 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Can it happen? I know if it does it will probably just happen slower. I do turbo jam 1-2 times a week. I'd like to up it...motivation just isn't there. I feel too fat to be jumping around....sad when you feel too fat to work out! Will I see results if I just do the 1-2 times per week...or at all? I'm doing really good with my diet!


  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    You'll see results, but yes, probably not as fast. I'd suggest also throwing in a day or two of walking, nothing crazy, but it'll get your body loving exercise.
  • I agree- just moving is important. You dont have to be doing hard core workouts to see a benefit. Take walks daily and you will see a difference in the way you feel and how you want to move!!!! Good luck!
  • Ecaswick
    Ecaswick Posts: 22 Member
    I actually lost about 30 lbs with just a diet change. It took about 6 months, which considering I wasn't doing anything, wasn't that bad. But I plateaued for a month -actually gained a few back!-and the only way I got the scale to budge was to exercise....I'm now down a total of 68 lbs in 13 months total.
    Basically it can be done, possibly quick at first, but if you want it to stay off and get it over with quicker, you're probably going to have to add more exercising.
    Hope that helps you a little.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Yes you can. and congratulations on succeeding with the diet!

    However please do keep exercising. The human body behaves best when constantly reminded that it is alive.

    Exercise will not only help you loose weight and feel better, seeing your progress as you get better at it is a huge boost to the self esteem and confidence. There's just something about finally getting over a hill that you knew you couldn't climb a week ago or getting 20 when last month you could only do 10.

    Remember, if they are really giving it their all, NO ONE looks good while exercising. Not panting cardio fiends who have doubled their weight in sweat, nor red-faced weight lifters as the grunt and spit trying to get that one last rep out of their exhausted muscles. Have you ever seen a guy with a spare tire doing crunches? We all look silly, oddly shaped, beaten, icky and sometimes like we are about to explode while working out. No one who is there to work cares what you look like while exercising. The whole point is to be able to leave all the icky on the mat eventually and strut your confident, exhausted, hotness out of the gym doors afterward.

    Good luck!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I started out doing things like Wii fit, and walking my dog at a pace that got me out of breath and also using a little stair stepper I got @ Target for less than $75. Eventually I felt like I wanted to do more so I started going to the gym. I do elipitical and treadmill and some strength training now. I have purchased a few unlimited month long passes to some classes like jazzercise and yoga, but I am waiting to feel a little more comfortable moving my chubby butt in front of others like that!

    I think you could just start slow and work up the courage, it IS good for you, and will give you MORE energy :)
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I don't exercise as much as I should but it's because I really hate exercising. I try to talk myself into it, but the truth is, it totally sucks. I am depending mostly on my diet and getting 2-3 days a week of exercise and I just loathe every second of it. But I know I'm going to have to step it up eventually to meet my goal. I just keep telling myself, it'll all be worth it, it'll all be worth it, it'll all be worth it...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't exercise as much as I should but it's because I really hate exercising. I try to talk myself into it, but the truth is, it totally sucks. I am depending mostly on my diet and getting 2-3 days a week of exercise and I just loathe every second of it. But I know I'm going to have to step it up eventually to meet my goal. I just keep telling myself, it'll all be worth it, it'll all be worth it, it'll all be worth it...

    I could have written this post. I hated exercise. Keep looking - exercise does not have to be something you hate - with an instructor you don't like. Not only does exercise help you GET to your goal - it helps you MAINTAIN your weight loss. Take it from me, when you get older (I'm 50!) your metabolism will slow down naturally. Losing precious muscle mass only makes it worse.

    Look for something moderate at first (with little or no dread factor). Go with the "thing" that you will do on a regular basis, and keep at it. It gets better.
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