


  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    This past weekend we went to Cici's Pizza, if you haven't heard of it, it's like Pizza buffet - it's my kid's favorite place to eat and we hadn't eaten out in a while so my husband and I told them we would go Saturday night. I ate a big salad and 2 slices of pizza and 1 piece of dessert apple pizza. Basically, it's okay to still eat the things you love as long as you do it in moderation. I think that we have a big problem, especially in the US, with moderation - we are an "All or Nothing" country. Either we eat the whole cake, or no cake at all. What kind of fun is life without cake? It's okay to have a piece of cake once in awhile, or a few slices of pizza... just not the WHOLE pizza, and not every day. So if you do go out, keep moderation in mind. Order something less fattening from the menu and only have 1 or 2 drinks instead of 10. If you deprive yourself completely you are more likely to say "**** it" and go overboard at some point. You have to find a happy medium, it's healthier for your body AND your mind. :) Good Luck!