estimate on cheeese calories at tim hortons...please! :(

I went to Tim Hortons today and got a chicken salad wrap like i do almost evert week for 160 calories. Today when i got it i realized whoeevr was working put shredded yellow cheese in it! I was so hungry i ate it without even really noticing til after.. im soo upset!!! How many extra calories do you think the cheese was? The wrap is really small... i just want an estimate.. i was guessing like 100?..hopefully not over


  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    an ounce is 70-80 calories and i doubt it was that much. maybe 40, but even that is a high estimate if it was just sprinkled on. be glad for the extra calcium.
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    Try looking up "shredded cheese" and put in about... say, 50 grams?
    That should cover it?