Do left over calories roll over?

I was wondering if you could roll over your extra exercise calories for each day? I know not for the week of course. For example say you burn an extra 400 calories one day and dont manage to eat them back, could you use them say acouple days later? I know you wouldnt want to do this close to weigh in. The reason I ask is because about three years ago I did Weight Watchers and they allowed you to roll over your exercise points. You could use them the next day or any other day in that week. The reason I ask is some days I burn so many extra calories there is no way I can eat them all back unless I want to eat a bunch of junk and chocolate. Then other days if I dont get in exercise I might want to have something extra but I dont have the calories for it Any info would help.


  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    I was wondering if you could roll over your extra exercise calories for each day? I know not for the week of course. For example say you burn an extra 400 calories one day and dont manage to eat them back, could you use them say acouple days later? I know you wouldnt want to do this close to weigh in. The reason I ask is because about three years ago I did Weight Watchers and they allowed you to roll over your exercise points. You could use them the next day or any other day in that week. The reason I ask is some days I burn so many extra calories there is no way I can eat them all back unless I want to eat a bunch of junk and chocolate. Then other days if I dont get in exercise I might want to have something extra but I dont have the calories for it Any info would help.

    sorry, but I don't think so. i mean, whatever works for you is fine, but i don't think it would make much sense to carry them over. maybe compromise and carry over 50%?
  • mamato2babes
    MFP won't let you log it that way, but I do it sometimes on my own. I usually don't carry them over more than one day though.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    it won't show it in your diary, but you can surely do it in your head.
    Calorie zigzagging is great for your metabolism. You can certainly have a low day and a high day mixed into your week, as long as they all average out to your goal.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    While MFP won't roll them over if you look at the weekly nutrition it will tell you how many over/under calories you are for the week. That way you know what you can use up if you wanted to.