runner's trots

I usually do not like to discuss my bodily function, but since I have my first race on Sunday I figured now was the time to share and hopefully get some good advice. I have been training for a 10k and have in the last several weeks been doing 4-5 miles on my long runs. After my runs of 4 or longer I have had horrible stomach pains followed by diarrhea. I thought I had a stomach bug at first until about the 3rd run with the same outcome I realized there must be a connection. Now that I have finally made the connection between my long runs and the stomach issues I am only a week away from race and am not doing a longer run to try and figure out if any of the strategies I have read online are going to work for me on race day...yikes! I did have one 5 miler that I did not have a stomach issue with. On that day I know for sure that I was well hydrated...the other days are more questionable as far as hydration go. My plan of attack is to hydrate really well the day before and try to eat lighter that day so as not to have a bunch of food hanging around in there by the next morning. Should I eat the morning of the race if so how far in advance should get up?!

Does anyone have any additional tried and true tips for me...I really don't want to have to use the porta potty mid run!


  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry but I haven't had that problem but from the reading i did for my first 10K basically you should eat/ drink what you normally do on race day. I was up for 5 and out the house by 5:30 to be there for 6:15 for the buses to take us to the starting line. I had a banana and a hard boiled egg on the ride there and not a lot to drink ( i was also worried about the porta potty situation) I drank a few sips at each water truck on the mile markers.
    I've heard of people having stomach problems when taking those gel suppliment packs for hydration, not sure what they are called exactly but a friend of a friend had to drop out of a race because of tummy trouble after one of those. Good luck on Sunday.
  • jennajoehro
    jennajoehro Posts: 37 Member
    GI issues while running are super common. I just ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday and had bad stomach cramping from mile 11 to the finish. I was seriously wondering if I'd have to finish the race with one sock. It got rough.

    You're less than a week away--try not to change your daily routine too much. I'd suggest eating more carb-rich foods in the few days leading up to the race, but to keep an eye on your fiber.

    On long run days I usually get up and eat at least 2 hours before I start running. This seems to give me enough time to digest my food and have a bathroom break before I get going.

    Staying well hydrated is always a plus.

    Do you use energy gels during your longer runs?

    Best of luck!

  • cleigh86
    cleigh86 Posts: 25
    I get stomach pains almost every time I run more than 4-5 miles...I googled it and basically came up with nothing. Apparently running is just really disruptive to your GI tract! But, I have noticed that my stomach feels better if I haven't eaten too close to when I run...and as far as race days go, I still eat breakfast (fuel fuel fuel!) but I try to make it high in carbs/protein and super low in fiber! Fiber is what, ah, moves things along quickly...good luck with your race!
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I've had this happen once during a long run and it basically came down to something I ate that, by the time I started my long run, had digested... Be mindful of what you eat and you may just have to eat long before your race and get it out of your system before the race the begins.

    I've learned not to eat a banana too close to when I start my long run...
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I'm just starting to run and I get terrible gas which I can deal with when I'm outside but on the treadmill at the gym... well that can get a little dicey. However as I'm running more and more, seems to be settling down.