
t_rog Posts: 363 Member
So, I know everyone says "Drink Water!!!" and that it's vital to weight loss, etc. But i'm wondering if anyone can actually explain WHY. I have a few friends on here who i've seen mention that they woke up feeling bloated, drank a huge amount of water, and was fine by the end of the day. Why is that? I weighed in today and was up 1.5 lbs :'-( so i've been drinking water like crazy ( close to 4 liters!) and i'm hoping if i continue this it will aid in next week's weigh-in. WIll it? Why/Why not?


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    if your body is getting enough water it will tend to release it instead of store it. thats why you feel bloated if you dont drink enough water..same with if you get too much salt..you'll need more water for your body that the salt sucks up basically.

    plus when we eat and drink water, it makes us feel fuller faster, so we tend to not eat as much.