New here--kind of :)

Hey everyone!

I've been a member of MFP for a while now and am really starting to love the results I'm getting from tracking my food intake/exercise every day! I generally stick to 1200 calories per day and always try to eat back my extra calories earned from exercise...which is A LOT! I use BeachBody programs because they are FAST and effective. My first program was Slim in 6 and I lost 7lbs and over 9 inches off my body in the first 6 weeks. I'm now onto TurboFire which burns some MAJOR calories. All I can say is to STICK WITH IT. Put the scale away for a while and just focus on how you feel. Remember it's your health that's most important!

I have a blog on facebook and may start one on here as well.
Just wanted to introduce myself and I hope everyone is doing well!


  • Aliasroxy
    Aliasroxy Posts: 6
    MFP is a good tool, just keep the discipline.(: