And if I don't like water......?



  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm with you, I HATE HATE HATE water. And I live in the city that has one of the top 3 water filtration plants in the world. Sadly, don't count your pop. I choke it down now, but it has to be super ice cold, and I chug it like medicine.

    In a way it is medicine.

    It flushes fat, it makes your skin better, gets rid of headaches. Oh, and it kills hunger. I say suck it up. I personally don't like crystal light, but sometimes I add some lemon juice.

    Do your best, and try to choke some down, make it work for you...
  • sineadgrowden
    sineadgrowden Posts: 134
    hay Ive been adding viter quench 2 my water its 4.5cals no sugar and really yummy (don't no if you can get them were you r im in new zealand)
    hope its going well :smile:
  • sineadgrowden
    sineadgrowden Posts: 134
    and try find a drink bottle u like 2 drink out of that helps...ive got a camel back and its the best ever!!!
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    The water here in this tiny backwards town in which I have the misfortune of residing will actually kill you. It eats through your pipes, turns your toilets and bathtubs a range of colors, rusts STAINLESS STEEL silverware, rots your teeth, dries your skin, ruins your hair, will infect your eyes, smells like chlorine one week and dirt the next, and actually give you cancer. We get letters in the mail every six or so months that say that if you've been experiencing diarrhea, stomach cramps, dizziness, among other things, then you should be checked by a doctor because there have either been parasites found in the water or they put too much of some chemical in there which will cause cancer, damage to your central nervous system, or kidney failure.

    I am not making this up lol. I've lived here two years and I've gotten 3 of these letters. Fiance and I have a water cooler. Best investment ever. It's $1 to fill up a 5 gallon jug of spring water (that's non-lethal). There are no words to express how awesome this thing is. On the days that we absolutely have no change, or have no choice but to drink the tap water, boiling it, and then freezing it make it tolerable.

    Unfortunately, my cat and two dogs have learned that water comes out of that thing, and have figured out how to use it, so they drain the water all the time (not even they will drink the tap water if they don't have to), so we'll probably have to buy another one, since sharing a water cooler with dogs and a cat is weird.

    I've never been a huge water drinker, but I pretty much choke it down out of habit because I know I need it, and feel so much better when I have it. Start off drinking lightly sweetened tea or those Crystal Light packets (although it's easy to get sick of those rather quickly). A squirt of lemon juice and some Splenda is delish! Do you exercise? I've learned that during exercise, I drink a TON of water because I want it so bad lol. If it's important to you, you'll find a way to incorporate it, and eventually you won't even think about it anymore and you'll just drink it! Oh, and one last thing, I've also learned that having absolutely nothing else in your house to drink other than water works well too lol. If you don't buy the soda, you won't have the soda =) (Believe me, I know that's tough. I have to avoid entire isles at the grocery store lol) Good luck drinking more water!
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I'm also not much of a water drinker. I've definitely upped my intake by adding lemon and also MiO. I LOVE MiO. It's been a livesaver for me so far. The strawberry-watermelon flavor is wonderful!