Starting back on Myfitnesspal after several months.

Hello there! I am trying to recommit to losing weight and tracking what I eat here on Last month I had tried doing the Atkins Diet again, but lasted less than a week and my weight has been creeping up higher and higher, so I thought I would try this as it is not so restrictive and, hopefully, will still help me lose weight. Before, and now, I have had a lot of problems in keeping under my allotted calories. I have a bad habit of staying up very late and eating late and the late night eating is often at restaurants and fast food places. I just started back yesterday, but already went massively over my allotted calories and I think a lot of the problem is eating too much fast food. I hurt my back and have not been able to work and have been dependent on my boyfriend to eat and he has been bringing me lots of fast food. Yesterday, KFC and today, Whataburger. Even thinking I am 'doing good' and just eating a Grilled Chicken Sandwich at Whataburger and fries, not so good, I have used up almost all my daily calories. Plus, I can't exercise right now as I hurt my back. Once my back heals, I hope to get out and buy some more healthy food and groceries and am going to try to stay away from or limit the fried, greasy, or fast food, but it is tough as we eat it so much and it is quick and easy. I am 43 and have tried just about every diet and weigh 233 pounds so, at 5foot 3 inches, I am significantly overweight. I could use more friends and support in eating more healthy and staying committed. I find it very TOUGH to stick to only 1200 calories a day. Hopefully my back will heal soon so that I can return to work and work out too. I hate being stuck at home, on the couch, with an injured back and am finding that I am definitely eating for comfort and because I am bored. I am definitely an emotional eater. Truly, Julie 'Jules'


  • ladyoshalott
    Well, from what I have heard, having a thyroid problem can contribute greatly to your average weight. So don't feel so bad about needing to lose. It will happen eventually. LOve you.
  • DolphinJewel
    Yes, I NEED to get back on my thyroid medicine and this should help me lose weight too. My doctor is going to call in a prescription for some thyroid meds soon. That should help. Also, I think I am addicted to FAST FOOD and need to seriously cut back on it. It's so hard....especially when you are injured. I love to eat and not healthy food either. Glad you are on here too, Lisa! You should make your information available, because I can't see anything? If you like, that is? Love, Jules
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    We all love fast food. That is no excuse. I had an injured knee and couldn't walk for months. I lost weight even then. I want to be nice... but all I read are excuses. If you aren't ready, you aren't ready.

    Then you say your MD is going to phone in an Rx "soon". In my experience, it is done the day requested. I've never had a doctor tell me "I'll call it in soon".

    This is what I think... keep eating the fast food. Continue to tell yourself that you don't like healthy food. Don't exercise. You will continue to be fat. Don't ask for help if you are unwilling to help yourself.