Crash Diet Wise?

Hey folks. Im off to Vegas in 4 weeks and set myself an unrealistic target of weightloss before I go. Ive done really well so far, down from 263lbs to 223lbs thus far (since end of January).

Most lunch times I eat homemade lentil soup (about 200 calories per serving), and I was thinking for a couple of weeks to maybe do a crash diet of Lentil soup for lunch and dinner everyday.

I anticipate Id be eating total calories per day @ around 700, and I go to the gym 4 times a week for around 40 minutes a pop.

Is this wise, or a very unhealthy option. Would the weight loss from a 2 week stint be so small that it would hardly be worth doing..?



  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    IMO this is not healthy at all there is no way you would be getting all your nutrients, and you probably won't physically see a lot of the weight loss because its so fast, my advice don't do it, if you do you will probably have no energy and feel rubbish for your holiday.
  • biwinner
    biwinner Posts: 18
    I think your body would go into starvation mode, so you may not see a massive improvement. And psychologically, limiting yourself that much might not be helpful in the long run.

    It's only my opinion, but I would just stick to your normal plan, continue the great work you've been doing and give yourself a pack on the back for getting this far. I keep hearing that weight-loss and fitness are life-long journeys so no need to push yourself too far too fast.

    Good luck, whatever you choose. :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It isn't the ideal way to lose weight, obviously. You know that. If you just want to be a bit thinner for the trip then I don't think you'll damage yourself doing it for 2 weeks, but it's not long term sustainable, and you will probably put the weight back on straight after.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I think in the short term it would be like a detox which have been quite sucessful for weight loss as a whole. I think with a good solid break fast it would be no worse than the kelloggs drop a jean size challenge. For 2 weeks I don't think it would do you any long term harm but be prepared that while you may lose the weight in time for the trip there is every chance that you will put it all back on and more while on the trip.
  • Dony1888
    Dony1888 Posts: 16
    is every chance that you will put it all back on and more while on the trip.

    dude, Im going to Vegas, thats guaranteed, haha!!

    Im really confused about what to do, Im averaging a steady 2lbs a week as it is, would the loss from 2 weeks, really be so significant. there would be nothing worse in my eyes to try it, and find Im 6lbs down for 2 weeks work.....
  • BeeHummingbird
    If you are eating around 700 calories a day and training, I'm not 100% sure but Ive been told to stick to my 1200 calories a day even when I work out, that just gives me the option to eat something extra or maybe have a glass of wine ( which I save for Fridays).
    I heard that if you go under your calorie intake you tend to store fat and thus start the cycle again.
    Watch this on You tube
    Its Jillian Michaels talking to a lady about not giving up her red wine a calories intake and the theory behind it, hope that helps you...:wink: