Why do I bother???

Can anyone please remind me why I still bother getting up at 4.30am to workout, while my 50lbs overweight sister stays in bed till 10 o'clock? And why I still bother cycling back from work (16.5 miles) when fat bloke opens his car window and laughs at me?, And why do I still bother eating tastless "healthy" food when my husband eats all the delicious crap? whats the point? :cry:


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Can anyone please remind me why I still bother getting up at 4.30am to workout, while my 50lbs overweight sister stays in bed till 10 o'clock? And why I still bother cycling back from work (16.5 miles) when fat bloke opens his car window and laughs at me?, And why do I still bother eating tastless "healthy" food when my husband eats all the delicious crap? whats the point? :cry:

    Do you want to 50lbs over weight? Stay in the bed, don't cycle and eat all that delicious crap with your hubby. Will that stop your crying?

    I'm not understanding why you are crying over being healthy. And why is your food tasteless? My healthy food is yummy. Maybe you should look into reviving up your dishes with different seasonings, herbs and spices.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Because you want to be healthy. You want to live longer, and you are doing something so good for your body. Dont even think about those other people, they are walking down their own path. You are doing the right thing, dont even sweat it ok?
  • gavin03
    gavin03 Posts: 39
    The same reason I get up at 4 to workout and eat healthy foods and run 7 miles on a sat or sun morning. . To feel good about yourself and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That should be all the motivation you should need. Why not work hard and be happy with yourself???? Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    It's a HABIT & your BODY craves the endorphins to be released...

    Summer is around the corner & you want to ROCK a hot BIKINI - while your 50 lbs over weight sister is at your side??? :wink:

    You're doin' it for YOU...& that is all that matters...:flowerforyou:
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Can anyone please remind me why I still bother getting up at 4.30am to workout, while my 50lbs overweight sister stays in bed till 10 o'clock? And why I still bother cycling back from work (16.5 miles) when fat bloke opens his car window and laughs at me?, And why do I still bother eating tastless "healthy" food when my husband eats all the delicious crap? whats the point? :cry:

    Do you want to 50lbs over weight? Stay in the bed, don't cycle and eat all that delicious crap with your hubby. Will that stop your crying?

    I'm not understanding why you are crying over being healthy. And why is your food tasteless? My healthy food is yummy. Maybe you should look into reviving up your dishes with different seasonings, herbs and spices.
    Well, I dont like getting up at 4.30am, and cycling 16.5 miles after whole day of work is not easy. and I'd rather have pizza than grilled chicken. But I'm trying to be healthy, and not seeing any benefits. Havent lost weight and I'm not feeling better etc. Its probably do to binging at weekends. And everyone asks me: Why do you bother? you dont need to loose weight. And thats the question I ask myself sometimes. Especially when I'm hungry or sad.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    dont give up. its the self confidence you will have in the end when you lose the lbs. you want. you will live longer and happier:)
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    you want to have a better life than they and i have. you don't want to be in pain and short of breath. you want to be able to fit into your cute clothes. you want to be happy with yourself. you want to set a good example for those who are struggling with their weight who pay attention and are proud of you for what you are doing. you are doing what us overweight people can't. i am glad you are doing it,
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Thanks guys :flowerforyou:
    feeling much better now :bigsmile:
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Yesterday my sister emailed me to tell me her husband (who's never eaten healthy) has diabeties. He is very sick, will be on medication probably for the rest of his life. Just look around to your sister, to that odious man laughing at you, and imagine how miserable and unhealthy they will be in 5, 10, 20 yrs. Don't give up. Your health is important and don't let someone else's path deter you from yours.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    To me you are trying too hard and letting it effect how you are living/feeling. Why not alternate cycling to work and getting up early so you dont do both in one day? You dont want to burn yourself out. (and give up all together).

    Defo dont give up, Im sure you would regret it. x