Right need to knuckle down

Hi all,

I signed up at the start of January in the hope of looisng some weight - however I fell off the tracks and now really need to sort myself out.

We are expecting our first child in 2 weeks (to the day, if it is on time) and I now need to foucs on loosing weight, and to stop the wife nagging!

In the mornings I have cereal with semi skimmed milk (use the vareity packs as they come in the correct portion sizes!) Has anyone got any good tips ofr lunch, I was buying soup but now the weather is getting warmer soup is not so appealing. I think my biggest downfall is the evening meal as I dont portion control and therefore go over on my calories.

Have also been thinking about doing the slimming world shakes for breakfast and lunch then just a main meal, has anyone done this and what are their thoughts?




  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Right need to knuckle down - that definitely applies to me! I joined 01/04/11 at 154lbs, over the month lost 2lbs, gained 2lbs, so basically didn't lose anything. This morning - OMG - 158lbs:noway: Okay Easter and Bank Holiday weekend didn't help but no more excuses - enough's enough, have to get *kitten* in gear!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Hi and welcome.
    Know all about falling of the rails, and congrats on becoming a new dad :bigsmile:
    I've been away from the gym for 10 days and feel so guilty, I was right to do it as I'm getting my head around the gluten free regime.
    Regarding lunches can you take/buy salads with crackers or a salad sandwich, when I'm in a hurry I tend to eat a GF breakfast bar for lunch (weird I know) but it is filling and then I know I can sit down and have an enjoyable dinner. Portion control can be a pain, but you can purchase a dinner plate with the lines on it to train you in portioning. I've heard it works well, try the website - www.thedietplate.com
    Good Luck :happy:
  • sshaw101
    sshaw101 Posts: 4
    think i will go for the buy your own salad option, just been to the shops and brought a nice thai noodle king prawn salad, very nice. trouble is I get bored of foods so like to mix up what I have for lunch and dinner.

    cheers for the dinner plate link - will be useful.