Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - GRYFFINDOR



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    WOO! I'm down 2.4 lbs, weighing 257.8 this week! Great job, Gryffindors! You make me so proud :)
  • Mommyof3texans
    I had a pretty good week! 126.6 today, a loss of 1.6
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    As of this morning, I am at the same weight as last Sunday. So, the bad news is no loss. But the good news is that yesterday I was up 2 pounds after a couple of days out of town. So I'm just glad to be back to where I was. :)

    Great week everyone! Only about a month left before the movie comes out! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Last week 159, this week 163.6 :sad:

    well its a new week and lots of opportunity for improvement! :bigsmile:
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Will post my weight tomorrow. Not expecting a loss (possibly a gain!!). A combination of my daughter's 14th birthday and Father's Day hasn't been good for me this weekend!!!

  • blondie2285
    First time since starting the challenge where I havent lost anything.
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    154.4 :D
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    lost nothing this week ... boooo
  • deepakris
    deepakris Posts: 31 Member
    I'm back to 131.8 lbs today. :C
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This weeks Challanges are:

    Food Challenge:

    Try a new protein source you havent tried...can be anything..a bean, a new type of meat, tofu, some kind of soy or dairy product you havent tried..etc. If you have tried everything, try cooking something a new way!

    Exercise challenge:

    Exercising is always easier when you have support...try getting a group together (or at least one other person) and do your workout with them! Or just go for a group walk or bike ride! :)

    :: For me, I'm going to try making burgers with some ground turkey instead of beef. I've never used it before and I already planned on it :)

    I always exercise with my bestie cuz we're roomies, too! So, check!

    What are you fellow Gryffindors going to try for this week's challenges?
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Weight this morning = 182lbs. Booooo! But not bad considering I had to cope with a birthday and Father's Day this weekend!

    I've made a commitment to myself for the rest of June: burn 500+cals, 5 days a week (double that on Sat or Sun), cut out my weekend crisps (going to swap for popcorn - I have a popcorn maker) and stay within my calorie goal.

    Let's see if that helps me see 170s this month.

  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Weight this week = 165.8 which means a loss of 2.4lbs this week :) happy me! :)
  • oici812
    oici812 Posts: 23 Member
    This weeks weigh in is...158.0 yeah im down 1 pound
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Down to 154.6 this week! Yay Gryffindor! :)
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    Oh, crap! I forgot to check in yesterday! I didn't lose anything though!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    * double post.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Fingers crossed Gryffindor, there may be a weight loss this Sunday!!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, there was this morning, I actually made it to the 170s... 179.5lbs in fact. That's just the kind of motivation I need. I've been stuck in the 180s for months so this is a breakthrough for me and has made me more motivated to get into the 160s (I know it won't happen overnight but I have to focus on something). I'm going to aim for 175lbs now!!!!!

    I go on holiday with my immediate and extended family at the end of July and would love to be around 175lbs. Here's hoping...

  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    People who havent weighed in this week:

    Will calculate without these
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Looks like we only lost .2% this week.. :( Oh well..next week will be better Gryffindors!!