Treadmill boredom



  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I walk quickly on the treadmill, rather than run. I do a hill program and walk about 3 miles a session. (Weak ankle that doesn't need unessecary pounding)

    I started off listening to music on the treadmill, but quickly got bored.

    So I switched to listening to a book on tape via my iPod. That lasted for about a week before I got bored with that.

    Then I got the bright idea of reading my Kindle while I walk. BINGO! Problem solved. I'm reading Game of Thrones and it's so darn sexy I don't want the treadmill to stop! I want to keep on reading! I just got home from my workout at the gym and can't wait to workout tomorrow so I can keep on reading.

    It seems I jump on the treadmill, start walking and reading and before you know it my 3 miles have wizzzzzed by!

    OMG!!! I could never read and walk on the treadmill, I would kill myself! You are a better person than me! LOL My hubby came in 1 day and scared me half to death, I lost my balance and almost fell right off the back!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I find the time passes fastest when I'm changing things up a lot, like doing a program of varying speeds and inclines. I LOVE watching Judge Judy, which is on while I'm at work, so I actually tape it and watch it in the evening from my treadmill! It's something to look forward to!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I also hate the treadmill, but sometimes it's my only way to run. So, I usually go into "game face" mode. I visualize my race. I imagine myself running my race, staying motivated and strong, and then time is up. I think I probably look like a zombie, but it works. I usually don't even use an iPod. I just get on, get to business, zone out, and get done.

    Good luck. Treadmills suck.
  • sforscher
    sforscher Posts: 3 Member
    I used to have the same problem and have since changed from running to full-body fitness programs like P90X and Insanity; these programs hold your attention.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Music or I watch shows on my laptop that is set up infront of my treadmill. I also run intervals a lot on the treadmill. It helps with the boredom. Sprint/jog a lap, jog/walk a lap....

    I tried that on my laptop, but my treadmill must be too loud or maybe my speakers are not loud enough. I can hardly hear. Now with music I can go forever if it is upbeat music. lol
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Music or I watch shows on my laptop that is set up infront of my treadmill. I also run intervals a lot on the treadmill. It helps with the boredom. Sprint/jog a lap, jog/walk a lap....

    I tried that on my laptop, but my treadmill must be too loud or maybe my speakers are not loud enough. I can hardly hear. Now with music I can go forever if it is upbeat music. lol

    My laptop speakers are way too quiet also. I have to plug one of those cheapy ipod speakers (to my laptop) to play anything loud enough.
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    I have my treadmill set up so I can watch shows online (i use my laptop). I actually look forward a bit to running b/c it means i get to watch tv (i like glee, castle, good wife, off the map). I run for the entire length of the show, ~40-50min. I could NOT do the treadmill if it weren't for the tv. I can plug my laptop into the treadmill speakers, and it gives me plenty of volume!