Mexican food



  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I do fajitas ask for no or limited oil. I don't eat the tortillas - but do take full advantage of the guac and spurge with the sour cream depending on how my calories look for the day.
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    I LOVE mexican food. I could eat it everyday for every meal.. Hey! Maybe that's how I got to where I am! LOL :) We went last week and I got the following for under 600 calories. I would NOT have done it for lunch, only dinner because it's my biggest meal of the day and I made sure I had the calories to use before getting there, but I was satisfied and I didn't feel like I deprived myself of my favorite food while watching everyone around me eat it. Hope this helps. :)

    Fajita Taco Salad, no meat, extra veggies and lettuce.
    No questo cheese in salad
    Sour cream and shredded cheese on the side.
    Kept the guac. and tomato and used the Sour Cream and cheese very sparingly
    5 tortilla chips with slasa
    and only a couple of bites of the taco shell.
    I added an extra 100 calories or so b/c I did steal a bite of my hubby's dinner. ;)

    **Side note: If someone thinks my totals are way off please speak up. We go out for Mexcian a lot and I don't want to continue to eat it if it's wrong.*****
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    I do the same healthy thing I used to do for weight watchers...and its worked thus so far. I get 2 soft pollo asado tacos with extra letttuce and chese on the side with a half serving of beans. Beans for the protein and fiber and tacos...well to eat. And I try to stay away from the chips n'salsa....which is my favorite!!! If all else fails...and I lose my control with the chips n'salsa-then I make sure I head to the gym during the week or buckle down strict....its ruff to be mexican and love mexican food and wanna be a healthy weight! :ohwell:
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    I don't know how many healthy Mexican dishes there are but I'm guessing not too many. This is probably no help to you but when I go to a Mexican resturant i go to eat the best food in the world and have the best margaritas ever! I just make sure I save like a 1,000 calories for that meal. Probably doesn't help but mexican is my favorite and I'm not looking for low cal food there!
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    MEXICAN food IS my weakness. When I go I will get the steak burrito (huge) filled with green peppers and onions. they put the queso cheese on top and I will eat the whole thing plus share a basket of chips and salsa. I always work out hard for the entire week though making sure my calories are under every single day...AND it works.