Mother's Day advice needed...



  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Thank you my darlings. :-) The suggestions really help and I think i have an idea.
  • When my ex finally showed up after my son was 15 months old I downloaded a CD for him with pictures of Carter since the day he was born. I also had Carter finger paint a picture for him. Do I think he deserved it? Probably not, but he did give me the best gift I could ever ask for and regardless of how things turned out with us I will always be grateful. Although, I think it's great that you want to do something for her because she is technically their mother I think you and the babies would get more out of the time you spend together to make her something. :happy:
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    First I need to start off by saying you are amazing...Not only are you a soldier, but you are a Father. A great Father that is not going out like a punk about his children and their happiness. You should be getting her something small-ish out of appreciation and I hope she does the same for you. I am amazed by the fact that instead of allowing your disappointment to consume you and make you bitter, you pray for her. You are showing your children what true respect is about. I take my hat off to you. In the long run, you are teaching your kids that it is ok to love both parents no matter what. Not having that as a child, I can not begin to tell you the gift you are giving them.

    I wonder if there is something that is a barrier for her that makes it difficult for her to visit? Is it an issue with the price of gas or air fare? Is there anything that she could use to help her see the kids a little more?
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    What a great dad you are. Really. As a divorced mom who sharecustody with my husband, he has never once said or done anything to wish me a happy Mother's day. I would think that anything you offer, she should be honored to receive. Hopefully, your ex will soon get her head out of (_!_) and realize what's important in life.. her kids.

    P.S. Love the jersey in your pic!
  • nickeb82
    nickeb82 Posts: 10
    I would do a collage of the kids or maybe a slideshow set to music or something! Would be simple, fun, and sentimental but still not look intimate from you.
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