Desperately need direction - fastest way to lose weight?!

moonunit7 Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, I know. Go slow. But I'm desperate here. I have 3 months. I am ALWAYS struggling with my weight. I was down to 170 last summer because I had to go on a trip to a tropical island. Turns out, I'm going again but my weight has skyrocketed over the past two months. I went from the low 170s to 190! I feel awful. I took a video of myself and saw that my stomach was sticking out of my shirt! My BARE stomach - in my work clothes. Now, that's embarrassing!

Even at 170, I was still big and embarrassed to be in a bathing suit. I'm 5'8 but small boned. I don't even know if it's possible but I have until August 1 to lose weight. I just started with Jillian Michael's 30 day shred because I can't seem to make myself move. It's not very challenging but at least I'm doing something.

I have tried so many things! Weight watchers was actually part of my downfall or climb back up the scale. It was too much counting and planning. Low carbs seems to work the best for me but I have always cheated. I recently discovered the Atkins diet website and what I like about it is the limited recipes and simple plan - low carbs. I just have to count one thing - carbs.

Anyone have success with Atkins? Any advice on the best diet. Can I do this? I just can't go back to that beach looking like this. It's so depressing.


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    The best and fastest way is to eat clean. You have to make your diet flawless :]

    take out ALL processed and junk foods. Eat lots of fruits, veggies, and lean meats

    No fad diet will get you there fast and let you remain there
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Watch your portions, get lots of protein, and plenty of exercise, including strength training and cardio.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have always had success with Atkins but I've come to realize that since I had my gallbladder taken out in December that my poor liver just can't handle that much fat in a day and I can't spend all day eating only lean meats and veggies.

    If you want to give Atkins a try, go for it. You'll get a lot of "Don't do it" comments here, I'm sure, but if you follow it strictly -- which means a LOT of low glycemic vegetables every day as well as no complex carbs -- you'll probably do very well. One thing to keep in mind... it takes a few days for your body to adjust to burning fat instead of carbs. If you cheat, as you've stated you've always done, you're going to slow your weight loss down a LOT. Every time you eat a bunch of carbs it's going to take a few days to get back into fat burning mode. Keep that in mind when you get the urge to eat the piece of bread!

    You might look into some sugar free treats if you really have the urge to "cheat". There is some really good sugar free chocolate out there, as well as things like sugar-free Lifesavers and other candies. You can't eat much of them, though, because the sugar alcohols will go RIGHT through you, if you know what I mean. :)

    Good luck!!
  • cupfanncbms
    cupfanncbms Posts: 101
    I have been eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats and snacks like nuts (only once a day when I have them), cottage cheese, string cheese, etc. I do a shake for some meals. I use Natureade total soy. I have lost about 20 pounds in about 2 1/2 months now by eating healthier and exercising. I am not even very careful on many weekends...but I stick to it hardcore during the week.
  • Marissa23
    Marissa23 Posts: 3
    So far whats working for me is using THIS website and app...which means counting calories, food intake in general, and a little bit of exercise (even simply walking!). I've lost 5.5 pounds in 3 weeks with little effort just by inputing EVERYthing i do into this app and website. Simple changes can even be when you go to the grocery store next...if u have to pick up bread, grab a few and look at the nutrition labels....take the one that has whole wheat and less calories! Small simple changes like that can make a big difference and are a good starting point. And of course, you need to add exercise in addition to a healthy diet. You can do it, stay motivated! Good luck! And have fun on your trip :)
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I agree with Naomi91. Don't do any fad diets unless you want to gain it right back again. I lost 15 pounds in 3 months by exercising and sticking to this site...and I have been going really slow. Just do it the right way is my advice.
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    This might no be what you want to hear, but there's no easy way. Diet and Exercise... Everybody I've ever known that has done Atkins(8 people), have lost weight, but put it back on plus more.

    I know you want to lose the weight fast, but if you do that you have better chance of putting right back on. I'm no expert, but take it slow and do it the right way and you'll keep it off.

    Good Luck on your journey
  • brunettegoddess
    brunettegoddess Posts: 15 Member
    Im currently on weight watchers... 27 lbs down SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE. thes are words I have lived by... I think it is the best teaches you to eat and control portions.. If you cut out your carbs, when you eat them again BAM the weight will be back... There is not quick fix..its a life change. You need to focus on having a great time no matter what size you are... Its 80% nutrition and 20% activities... I still eat m and m's..just not as many.. If i deprive myself I will give up and bing..Done it too many times... And FYI 170 is my goal weight!!! ;) Im also 5'8 so just think... you are my idea weight!! Dont be depressed... live for the day and make great choices!! HAVE A BLAST!!
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    I feel for you and can empathize. I am not a doctor or a shrink, but if you are anything like my fam, you eat for emotional reasons even when you feel good ! So this is just a suggestion and don't hold me liable if it doesnt work for you. Try to use MFP even though it is pretty conservative, then modify it to meet your goals ... for me ... a lot of the food control seems to come having to look at calories like a form of currency ...... log in what you are planning to eat and see how many calories it costs you BEFORE you eat it. Then delete it if you decide not to eat it. Get the MFP app on your phone so you can use it on the go too.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm going to add two things:

    1. Atkins is not a "fad diet" nor is it a "quick fix" weight loss plan. It is an eating lifestyle. You focus on eating lots of vegetables, lean meats and whole foods. Many people follow their nutritional plan for years, or for life. It's actually geared that way if you read their information. It's especially good for diabetics who need to watch their carbs anyway.

    2. I always did really well on Atkins especially because I knew I couldn't cheat. During the first two phases, even 10-20 grams of carbs over my personal daily intake goal and I'd derail my whole day. That kept me accountable and made things easier on me. I found that after the first few days I didn't crave sweets and could pass them up really easily. I actually carried one of my favorite candies around in my purse for 6 weeks this Spring and didn't even have the urge to open it. You learn the things you can eat and you find new, healthier "treats" you can "splurge" with that are still on the plan. If you're someone who has trouble just trying to eat healthier or trying to eat less, and especially if you need a structured diet to succeed, Atkins can be a very good plan for you. Everyone has their own formula for success.
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