thyroid issues

jennyrc Posts: 12
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Had a total thyroidectomy in Oct. 2008...I am currently taking Armour Thyroid meds............I do cardio kick boxing 2 days a week, and 3 mile walks 4-5 days a week...... staying within my calorie range, eating back the exercise calories.......been doing this since Jan. and have only lost 4 lbs. I realize the thyroidectomy is going to make it even tougher on me to lose weight, but is there any one who has had any luck losing weight after a thyroidectomy? Or any suggestions on what I may or may not need to do? Any help,ideas, etc. would be soooo appreciated!! This is getting so frustrating!!!


  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    Have you spoken with your Doctor about it?
  • dirtyblue
    dirtyblue Posts: 90
    I had a total thyroidectomy in September 2010. I was having a difficult time loosing weight even before the thyroidectomy. I went to a endocrinologist and he gave me synthroid. I complained that I was still feeling extremely tired and had no energy, he said my numbers were all in range and I should be fine. I found another doctor, he tested my levels and said although I was in range, he was going to give me a combination of synthroid(T4) and cytomel(T3). I have been feeling better. I started MFP towards the end of March and have lost approximately 8 lbs. I do cardio 3x a week and lift weights 3x a week as well.

    moral of the story - if you still aren't feeling well, go back to your doctor, get your levels checked, and possibly find another doctor that will listen to how you are actually feeling
  • I had a total thyroidectomy in Mar 2010. I am on Levothyroxine (generic synthroid). I have lost 17 lbs in 3 months so it can be done. When did you last have your bloodwork done? When I had my bloodwork done in March my levels were off and my dr felt it may have to do with the lifestyle change and I am scheduled to have it done again June so we can stay on top of it.
  • lecia125
    lecia125 Posts: 126 Member
    MAke sure your numbers are around 2, not just "within normal range".
  • hnwebb82
    hnwebb82 Posts: 16 Member
    I had a total thyroidectomy in March of 2005 and take Levoxyl. My levels are kept slightly elevated because I had thyroid cancer. I've definitely had all the issues with being tired and all. I've lost 46 pounds since the end of January, and I do various types of cardio 5-6 days a week, and stay within my calories. Feel free to add me if you need a buddy that understands the extra hurdles!
  • jennyrc
    jennyrc Posts: 12
    Thanks...I had my levels checked in early Feb., but my endo is pretty easygoing, so if I ask to be tested again, it won't be a problem. I really feel good, the weight is just the issue, but maybe the lifestyle change is affecting my levels.My endo did say in Feb. that there is room to increase the meds., but i really did not feel the need at that point(i wanted to not rely on the meds. purely for weightloss), so maybe I just need the dosage change. UGH!!
  • Thanks...I had my levels checked in early Feb., but my endo is pretty easygoing, so if I ask to be tested again, it won't be a problem. I really feel good, the weight is just the issue, but maybe the lifestyle change is affecting my levels.My endo did say in Feb. that there is room to increase the meds., but i really did not feel the need at that point(i wanted to not rely on the meds. purely for weightloss), so maybe I just need the dosage change. UGH!!

    Seems like a never ending cycle sometimes doesn't it? Up, down, up down. lol!!
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