Running Times

Palache Posts: 123 Member
I've never been a runner. So I am not sure what a "good or normal" running time is when running a 5k. I can run it in 34:24 min. Any feedback is appreciated! :)

What are your 5k running times???


  • bethbstitt
    bethbstitt Posts: 2 Member
    Just the fact that you have the confidence and desire is AWESOME! You can crawl, walk, run or sprint....
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I am around 35 mins. I was listening to a podcast on running not too long ago and he was talking about this subject. What is defined as "good" or "fast"? He came to his personal conclusion that all that matters is what YOU think!! Personally I'm trying to break my 12 min mile and get a little faster. But just doing it is a huge accomplishment!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Well the Couch to 5K program is supposed to get you to running a 5K in 30 minutes so I'd say that's an optimal time. I just started running so my best has been 35 min.
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    Right now I'm about 56 or so minutes so you're better and faster than me. :)
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I do 3.1 miles in about 35 minutes. But I think just the fact that you can run it in that time is awesome!
  • Palache
    Palache Posts: 123 Member
    I am around 35 mins. I was listening to a podcast on running not too long ago and he was talking about this subject. What is defined as "good" or "fast"? He came to his personal conclusion that all that matters is what YOU think!! Personally I'm trying to break my 12 min mile and get a little faster. But just doing it is a huge accomplishment!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Running is about competing with yourself. Sure a sub 30min 5K is fabulous but its something that I will never ever be able to do so if I spend my time working toward that goal I will always be disappointed over and over again.

    My first 5K was 45:19 and although not great to some people... it was better than sitting in the couch. Slow runners are runners too! We should all just strive to do better... whatever better means for us!
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    Definitely whatever you're comfortable and happy with. I'm at 30 minutes right now and I'm pretty happy with that. It's by no means fast compared to the people that finish at the head of the pack, but it's fast enough for me.
  • aub7
    aub7 Posts: 37 Member
    My first race I was about 38 mins, and then by my 4th one I was just over 34 mins. Even though I would like to be able to get around 30 someday, I am just always happy as long as I improve my time from the one before.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    it is totally about competing with your self. i have never been an athlete of any kind and always admired runners and thought i couldnt do it for a really long time. I decided i had to give it a try to know if i was able and What started as a midlife crisis has turned into a love for running. i did my first 5K a few weeks ago. My initial goal was to finish without dying. As i began to train i realized i could do better than that and decided my new goal was to do the whole thing running. When that became a little easier i decided i would like to try to be in the top 50 finishers. i did all three, i was 49th out of something like 112 so i was really happy. My time was 33:27. I think i did really well but also realized that just trying is awesome. it is better than just sitting there on the couch even if your pretty slow. Next time i will race myself and try to beat my time, even if its only a few seconds thats ok with me. Runners are awesome and they are only worried about their time not yours so i never feel judged cuz when i comes down to it at a race, there are runners who are watching their own time, and there are people on the sidelines, who are just ON THE SIDELINES!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I finished my first one on Friday and my time was just under 33 minutes. I probably would have done worse except I had two friends I was running with. They pulled me along, which was great considering they were wearing a gorilla suit and a banana suit....see my picture! Congrats on your 5K...I think just completing it at any time gives you an "A+"!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I agree with everyone else. A 5K is about competing with yourself and improving yourself. My goal is to hopefully be able to try to win one day, but I am nowhere near that right now, so as long as my time improves each time out, I'm happy. My best 5K to this point is 29:17 but, in timing my training runs, I'm confident my next one will be under 27:00.
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    Running races can be a great way to stay inspired and track your fitness progress. If you're enjoying races, I highly recommend keeping track of your race times (and distances, if you start running in longer races) so you can see how you improve. Even once your speed has plateaued, its still fun to try for PRs.

    You can also find out your "age graded" percentile ranking if you're really interested in comparing yourself to other runners:,7977,s6-238-277-415-0,00.html
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I've been running for a couple of years.

    Normal is in the eye of the beholder! I run a 5K in around 30 minutes. I know people who can do it in 17 minutes. :noway: They are of course, younger and faster than me and only weigh a buck and a quarter soaking wet. These are the pro's and more of the exception.

    They key to running is really about self improvement. I know I'll never win Boston... but I might beat my last run! And for me thats what its all about... I compete with myself. I would encourage you to do the same. No one will ever mock you for crossing the finish line... we runners aren't wired that way. I cite my friend who has won the Manitoba Marathon a few times... he still cheers people on as they cross the finish line, because really...finishing is an accomplishment. He realizes that not all runners are created equal, but they all require encouragement and support!

    If you finish what you start... and you don't quit... Celebrate and build on that!
  • Palache
    Palache Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you for the website info. :0)
    Running races can be a great way to stay inspired and track your fitness progress. If you're enjoying races, I highly recommend keeping track of your race times (and distances, if you start running in longer races) so you can see how you improve. Even once your speed has plateaued, its still fun to try for PRs.

    You can also find out your "age graded" percentile ranking if you're really interested in comparing yourself to other runners:,7977,s6-238-277-415-0,00.html
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    I'm going to run my first 5k in July. This morning I finished 2 miles at 27:54, so I would say your time is excellent. At my rate I would finish a 5k at 41.31. I would love to finish in 34 mins. I'm going to start the couch to 5k program to get to 30 mins. Maybe you could use that and modify it to get your 5k completed in less time. Best of luck to you!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    like everyone said, you are your only competition

    my best 5K was about 4 years ago, I ran 19:49 - I then got injured and put on some lbs, I'm finally healthy and have dropped most of the weight and hope the nose under 20 again this summer
  • Palache
    Palache Posts: 123 Member
    Congrats on getting healthy again! And WOW on your time!!!! :)
    like everyone said, you are your only competition

    my best 5K was about 4 years ago, I ran 19:49 - I then got injured and put on some lbs, I'm finally healthy and have dropped most of the weight and hope the nose under 20 again this summer
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I just did a 5k a couple weeks ago and did it in 25:26 - that was a PR. I finished in about the top quarter of the runners.....the first 6 or 8 finishers did it 16 minutes.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Being a noob at running I'm probably not the best example. I ran my first 5k this past Sunday (I love saying that) and I clocked in at 45:07. My goal is to decrease that time with each race. Next goal is 42 flat.
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