Do you feel hungry on your diet?



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I made lifestyle changes and I know when and how much to eat. If you pack your meals with fiber, you should never be hungry and actually have to tell yourself to eat at the allotted time.

    When you first learn you must eat less, you have to give your stomach time to shrink as it is used to holding more food. If you stay good with the smaller portions, soon you'll be full faster and it will take longer to become hungry.
  • alianf
    alianf Posts: 41 Member
    I'm kinda hungry too. Not starving but not quite satisfied.But I'm only 6 days into this. Does anyone have any suggestions of filling foods that are not too high in calories? I love veggies but I can't eat them all day, every day. They fill me up but then I get hungry again quickly.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Try different snacks, more water, and more fiber. I stay at 1200 calories each day, and would be going crazy if I hadn't found that I can eat a ton of vegetables for barely any calories. I add veggies to almost everything. Here are some of my favorite snacks:

    1) Shrimp (I just microwave a handful of frozen ones)
    2) Roasted sweet peppers (they get really sweet and yummy)
    3) Spaghetti Squash, dressed up with sauce
    4) Roasted radishes, don't knock em till you try em... roasting them takes the bite out of them.
    5) Celery or cucumber slices with hummus
    6) Raw Spinach with Wishbone Salad spritzer
    7) Wasa light rye cracker with tuna salad
    8 Quaker rice snacks (sweet chili)
    9) I add shredded lettuce to almost everything I can
    10) low-fat cheese sticks
    11) low-cal jello snack cups (love the mousse kind)

    Drink Hot tea (lots of flavors), and/or water with Mio flavor enhancers if you are still hungry. I also eat a "snack" instead of a meal every couple hours or so... whenever I start to get hungry. Keeps my metabolism up... Just some hints.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    I am FAMISHED. but I am told it is because I am not eating the right things.

    Are you eating enough Fiber and Protein rich foods?
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    I've actually NEVER felt hungry b4, even on a 1200 diet, which makes me worry about underestimating my caloric intake
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    Double POST <3
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Some days when I exercise way more than usual and don't get enough protein.
    Most days I feel great. I haven't felt more satisfied and healthy in my entire life.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Days I don't workout, yes I am starving, I don't have those extra exercise calories to eat. I have to keep myself very busy, so that I dont think about food! PMS also makes me crave foods all the time, lasts about a week
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    up your protein and drink more water

    Oh, and I agree with this. Protein always keeps me full longer. My quick go-to lunch is a protein bar and a piece of fruit. And I drink about 12L per day in water.

    Agree witht his, I just ate a turkey burger for lunch. I had greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast and 34 oz of water in between. I'd never be able to do this if I was hungry all the time, when I'm hungry I eat. Fiber also fills you up, apples for instance.

    And, not to nit-pick, but I never say or think that I'm on a diet... I changed my lifestyle, and that lifestyle does not include feeling overly hungry!! :flowerforyou: