OMG I`m allergic to veggies!

vox23 Posts: 246 Member
Since I`ve started watching what I`m eating, I`ve been making a lot of salads. The kind that have everything in them but the kitchen sink! Fruit, nuts, veggies, protein, I add it all, and they are delicious, but I seem to be having some weird reaction to certain fruits and veggies when they are raw. Carrots, apples, snap peas, zucchini... they all seem to really irritate the inside lining of my mouth to the point where it gets inflamed in there. What the heck!!! Anybody else ever have this happen to them


  • debbie90045
    debbie90045 Posts: 10

    I have that reaction to some skins like cucumber, so I always peal them before I put them on my salad. Could it be something like that?
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I personally don't have this problem but did watch a coworker go off to the hospital in an ambulence because she ate something with celery in it. She can't have several raw fruits and veggies unless cooked and she did the full allergy testing. Because I would be absolutely heartbroken to be allergic to any fruits and veggies, maybe see an allergist? Good Luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Try just not eating them or cooking them to see if that helps. Go see a doctor?
  • safetypins
    safetypins Posts: 70
    Thats kinda what happens when I eat Mango. Are you sure its all of those and not just one?

    All I can really suggest is not eating something you're allergic to.
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    sounds like its a reaction to something but i doubt its all of them. it could just be the skin. try seeing a doctor for an allergy test or maybe taking the time to try each thing in your salad alone on an isolated incident. it might take a few days but im sure the culpret will show himself soon!
  • Heather0611
    Heather0611 Posts: 58 Member
    I notice it when I eat fruit with skin on it. My cheecks get very hot and tingly, but from the inside, the are not hot on the outside. Sounds weird and hard to describe but they feel like they are hot and wet. I'm thinking it might be some type of allergy but it's not enough to bother me so I still eat them. :ohwell:
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    Could be from the pesticides. try eating Organic or get a good Veggie wash. See if the helps.
  • crysthom
    crysthom Posts: 27
    Raw carrots tend to make my mouth itch. It may be that you are not getting them clean enough. Just a suggestion, since I really have no clue what causes it!!
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    It sounds like you're reacting to something, time to figure it out (eat an apple and see what happens, etc).
    fwiw, my sister and dad both have that happen when they eat an apple.
    i get it when i eat pineapple.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    It may be pestisides you are allergic too. I am not an organic expert, but I would try to buy organic ones and see if that helps, especially if it happens when you are eating them raw, but not cooked.

    If you buy organic and it doesn't happen, then you can assume it is the pesticides and then just experiment with soaking them or using veggie washes if you don't want to keep buying organic.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Since I`ve started watching what I`m eating, I`ve been making a lot of salads. The kind that have everything in them but the kitchen sink! Fruit, nuts, veggies, protein, I add it all, and they are delicious, but I seem to be having some weird reaction to certain fruits and veggies when they are raw. Carrots, apples, snap peas, zucchini... they all seem to really irritate the inside lining of my mouth to the point where it gets inflamed in there. What the heck!!! Anybody else ever have this happen to them

    If I were you - I would go down to a basic salad and only add 1 or 2 veggies at a time and see how you react to those. If you do okay, then add 1 or 2 different ones the next day to see how you react. Repeat until you find the culprit. From someone who has A LOT of allergies, it is really the only way to figure out what is bothering you. Are you adding dressing or anything to it? I only ask because my youngest daughter's mouth will swell from ranch dressing.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Eat the veggies seperately to find out which one or ones are the culprit. Eliminate those that bother you or eat them only cooked. Try stirfry as a healthy alternative to raw salad. My SIL is very allergic to raw fruits and vegetables as well as nuts. She can't have nuts, but she can have most fruits and vegetables cooked without a problem.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I am allergic to Birch and so react to all the fruit / veggies that share the same protein. This sounds very familiar. I react to Apples, snap peas, carrots, almonds, peaches, cherries etc etc. There are some on the list that I do not react to yet but my allergist said it is only a metter of time.

    They are called 'Adult onset allergies' and are quite common. Usually if you cook the veg it breaks up the protein and you will not react. I'd go in and get an allergy test so you have a better idea what to avoid. It can eventually lead to anaphylactic shock.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    you should get tested for food allergies by an allergist, it can be dangerous if you consume them and you have an allergies to them. Stop taking them for now just to make sure. the reaction can be felt immediate and could have a rebound reaction up to 8hrs after. Most comment problem can be respiratory, skin and GI problem... beware listen to your body
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Strange things happen with raw mom can eat anything that is cooked (apple pie, cherry cobbler etc) but as soon as she tries to eat most fruit (other than citrus), her mouth tingles and then her throat closes up. Hers got worse over time, so make sure you get it checked out. Her trigger is not the peel, because we tried peeling things, but what ever she is allergic to gets removed or broken down in the cooking process.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I am allergic to Birch and so react to all the fruit / veggies that share the same protein. This sounds very familiar. I react to Apples, snap peas, carrots, almonds, peaches, cherries etc etc. There are some on the list that I do not react to yet but my allergist said it is only a metter of time.

    They are called 'Adult onset allergies' and are quite common. Usually if you cook the veg it breaks up the protein and you will not react. I'd go in and get an allergy test so you have a better idea what to avoid. It can eventually lead to anaphylactic shock.

    That is mom had adult onset allergies to all those fruits, as I posted above. Maybe that is her base allergy too!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    nuts do that to me and my cousin as well. You need to eliminate one thing at a time and see which is causing the reaction.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I have that reaction to walnuts and if I have too much citrus (one serving is ok more than that and I'll get canker sores).

    Try taking one thing out each day and see how you do. It could be the fruit or the nuts or one of the veggies, or even a combination of two things. A friend of a friend has an allergic reaction if she eats peanut butter and pineapple in the same day.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    My adult niece just presented with a similar allergy to fresh fruits with the skins on. The doctor suggested an easy fix- just put whatever fruit or vegetable you are going to eat into the microwave for 30 seconds before eating and it effectively destroys the part of the veggie that causes the allergy.

    Hope this works for you.