
Does anyone else get nervous about people seeing them that havent seen them post weight loss...I am going to see a friend in a couple of weeks who hasnt seen me since I have lost weight. I am just so afraid that they won't think I look any different! haha


  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Nope, I like the shock and awe!
  • brandilea_willoughby
    With 50 pounds lost, if someone who hasn't seen you in awhile doesn't notice, they aren't that observant :) Good luck and congratulations on your success so far!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    I'm sure you look totally different!! Congrats! But some people (I'm one of them) are either not very observant, or decline to comment because they've (insert "I've") made the mistake of saying the wrong thing about someone's appearance in the past. You only do that once.....
  • laniackerman1
    Well it's certainly a better feeling than gaining loads of weight, then seeing people you haven't seen in ages and they don't recognize you! That happened to me... oh dear :-)
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    haha..yeah i guess I Probably do look different its just hard for me to judge since I see myself everday haha!
  • laniackerman1
    People will notice a difference! That's a lot of mass gone!