
Hi I just found this site and started monitoring my eating and exercising yesterday. I am determined to meet my goals, so I appreciate any motivational tips that you can provide.



  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    Welcome! looks like we have about the same goal weight ~ we can do this!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hi I just found this site and started monitoring my eating and exercising yesterday. I am determined to meet my goals, so I appreciate any motivational tips that you can provide.


    My thoughts are this... don't make it a big deal. Promise yourself you'll log everything EVEN if you don't eat well (this will give you the ability to see patterns in your eating). Allow yourself to eat ANYTHING... as long as you measure it and log it (deprivation only leads to quitting). This is a lifestyle change... not a diet. You need to do it in a way that allows you to LIVE YOUR LIFE and lose weight at the same time. This means you will lose weight slower, BUT... it's easier to stick to so you can lose more in the long run... AND keep it off.

    If you need advice, ask us. We're here for ya!

    Oh... and you will run into some negative ninnies in your life who will try to sway you from what you're doing. Ignore them and all they have to say. :wink: