Need helping buying a new bike!

My mother's day gift this year is going to be a new bike and I'm so excited! I don't want to spend a lot of money but I don't want a piece of junk either. I've been told I might need a hybrid...? Just want one to go bike riding with my 2 young sons and get a workout as well. Any suggestions for a bike under or around $200?
Thanks! Donna


  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Not sure about bikes in your country, over here they are rather expensive, but i've heard they might be cheaper over there. If you can get a hybrid for that price go for it. Hybrid means they're good for city easy rides, but also for the more sporty rides/workouts. They're in between city and sport bikes.I recently bought a Trek T300 (hybrid as well) and it's Awesome.. but then i live in the Netherlands and i paid 800 euro for it..
  • NowGoWorkout

    I just got off the bike after a quick 25 miles over lunch. Nothing better than a workout on the bike...your knees don't hurt, and if you keep a steady cadence (remember you want a workout, not all leisure) you can burn a pretty good amount of calories even at a slow pace.

    You definitely get what you pay for in the world of bikes - the guy I just rode with has a set of WHEELS (not the bike) that are about $3,000. The good news is that for someone who just wants to be casual, there's a bike for you.

    Here's my advice...don't take my advice, or anyone else's on here. Skip the big box stores and go to your local bike shop (LBS), and tell them EXACTLY what you intend to do. Tell them exactly what you're willing to spend...and spend as much as you're comfortable spending, don't cheap out unless you have to. They will tell you what type, size, etc of a bike you need. And ask questions...make sure you walk out of there knowing how the bike operates (shifters, brakes, etc.). You will NOT get this advice / answers from a box store. Go to your LBS, and they'll set you up. They do it everyday for people JUST LIKE YOU.

    Now Go Workout.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Donna --

    To get an idea of what will be best for you, I'd hit a local bike store to start. They will help you figure out which type of bike to buy, and then which size you need. Beyond that, my only real suggestion is to stay away from the WalMart bikes - Huffy, Murray, etc. I started with one of those, and now that I've upgraded to a TREK, the difference is unreal. I would really say that with bikes, you get what you pay for,.