Cinco de Mayo

jmw530 Posts: 6 Member my friends and I are going out for Cinco de Mayo. I already went out with them last week and anticipated what I would eat and drink and adjusted my food diary for the day. Unfortunately, when the nacho platter and margaritas came out I over indulged!!! I packed on 1.5lbs in one evening!! Now back on track, I do not want to overinduldge again. It's hard...but do want sacrifice socializing. My plan is to attempt to only eat half my food and order water or low cal cocktail (wine spritzer) instead of a jumbo margarita. Any suggestions?


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I like to just get a side of fajita meat (I'm sure the veggies would be okay too but I do not eat them) and a little rice. I eat it with salsa and nothing else. It is SO good and not that bad in calories. I only eat a little rice because that seems to be a little high. Stay away from the chips and cheese. Willpower is all I can tell you.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I agree with lady! That's what I normally do anyways, since I'm a lap band girl and I can't really eat the tortillas all the time. Also, I get some of the beans into the mix, so I can add some extra protein to keep me fuller longer.

    I read somewhere once to ask if the margaritas can come with a real fruit puree. That way, if you still want to go out and have a drink, the fruit puree will save on added sugar that's already in those pre-made mixes that the restaurants use.