Issues with jumping rope

LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise

Does anyone here jump rope as a regular part of their weekly exercise?

I'm asking because I jumped rope for 70 minutes on Friday and it KILLED my calves. I could barely walk. Thankfully, a couple Epsom salt baths later there is no pain.

I would really like to start jumping rope a few times a week but I'm scared that it will always kill my calves. I stretch during and afterwards.

Also, does anyone know what muscles you are working when you jump rope? This is kind of a naive way of putting it, but what kind of body type/sculpting can you get from it?


  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Yes- I jump rope at the end of my training sessions to get that last little bit of burn. I do intervals with it....20 seconds on, 10 second break 5 minutes. My calves kill me each time so doing it for as long as you did, I can't imagine how I could walk.

    Jump rope is great for increasing stamina and endurance. It also works your upper body (deltoids (shoulders), back, forearms, biceps and triceps), lower body (calves mainly but quads and hamstrings as well, and your core (from keeping your balance/stabilize.

    Hope this helps. Good luck on your journey.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    A good way to tell what muscles its working is the ones that are sore... jumping rope is good for your calves, and also all the muscles across your back..

    your calves will get used to it over time. unless you keep bumping up the time and what not.
  • Alka97
    Alka97 Posts: 74
    heey, i never actually like to do jumping rope but i did it today, and i would never want it as my rutine LoL its kinde of to hard for me to do it every week :L
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    If you are sore in your calves it's a pretty good sign that jump rope is working out your calves (which it does). Jumping rope is a good aerobic activity. I personally think it's too boring to do for a long period of time, but I also find running and swimming boring so more power to you.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,338 Member
    Remember jumping rope is a very intense exercise. It involves lifting your entire weight every time the rope goes under you and in 70 minutes that it a lot of time for someone who knows how to jump rope. I stink at it, but wish I could develop the coordination to do it. Most of that weight is lifted by your calves.

    Starting with that amount of time was probably not wise. Do it shorter periods of time and gradually lengthen how long you do it so your calves can get stronger and don't forget to stretch them out afterward.
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    How in the heck did you do this for 70 minutes!?!?! No wonder you are sore! I'm impressed you can walk! By any chance did you mean 70 seconds? or....7.0 minutes? I'm feeling like a huge wuss right now...
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    How in the heck did you do this for 70 minutes!?!?! No wonder you are sore! I'm impressed you can walk! By any chance did you mean 70 seconds? or....7.0 minutes? I'm feeling like a huge wuss right now...

    LOL. Awwww you're making me blush. I jumped rope for yes, 1 hour and 10 minutes. It's not like I did the fast double jump the whole time though! HAHAHA, as if! I just alternated between 3 different techniques.

    I've always wanted to run and I really don't have the stamina for it, so this helps me feel better :P

    And honestly I didn't think I could do that either. But the longer I went the longer I kept going. You should try it, I bet you'd surprise yourself!! :D
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    70 minutes!!!!!?????

    I do it BADLY (I really can't figure out how to do it properly) as part of my boot camp, and we have a 20 minute routine of rope skipping combined with band work, and I am KNACKERED after, and I can happily run for an hour and not bat an eyelid. I think skipping is about the most exhausting exercise there is.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,338 Member
    I keep trying, but my ability never seems to increase. I get more frustrated than exercised.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I keep trying, but my ability never seems to increase. I get more frustrated than exercised.

    Me too. I usually end up packing it in after 5 mins because I just can't do it. I'd much rather run.
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