Finals next week!

cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
To all my college friends...... Good luck on your finals. We start ours next week.

I am beginning to feel the old me creep back in. I was an emotional eater. Whether it was stress, sadness, anger, or happiness I ate. I have done so well not sabotaging myself like that. However, finals are upon us and all I want to do is eat everything in sight.

Am I the only one who is feeling like this?


  • livlinde
    livlinde Posts: 39
    Not the only one! I feel the same way. If I discover a solution or a cure in the next week, I'll let you know. ;)
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    LOL!!! I am so ready to be done, then summer semester starts May 24th, but at least I will be finished with this semester.
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    I just finished my last final today!!! 5 finals down... and done with junior year! Stress eating/eating late at night while studying is the worst. But I kept telling myself that nothing I ate out of stress was going to make studying any easier, it was just going to make me feel worse. Also, I tried to get up early and run in the mornings (which took a lot of willpower), it made me feel better about myself which made me eat less during the day and gave me motivation to study more! GOOD LUCK with yours! :)
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Kay, I have been trying to binge on healthy food........ OK I will admit there may have been a jelly bean incident, but other than that I have been fairly well behaved.
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Hahah oh trust me, I had my share of incidents. But just don't go crazy and you should be fine! Luckily finals are only around a week long :)