Weight loss competitions... Thoughts?

noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
Have any of you participated in a weight loss competition for a prize? Like a Biggest Loser-esque thing where the person with the highest percentage weight loss wins a prize? Was it motivating for you and the boost you needed, or did you end up gaining it all back? TIPS PLEASE!

Okay, I'm setting myself up for some major HATING by posting this but I am participating in one! Yes, I know, it is a lifestyle change not a diet, but there's nothing wrong with a little motivation to hit the gym harder and eat cleaner! It's only for the month of May, and the prize is $100. I do NOT want to gain anything back, so I do not plan on starving myself or doing anything crazy, but I really wanted to do this for some motivation. I have lost 44ish pounds total over the course of several months, but in the past 3 months I've only lost FIVE (not that I'm complaining, a loss is a loss)!!! But I am the only one to blame for it, as I have been on again off again with the whole thing. Be on my calories and work outs for a few weeks then have an off 3-5 days. I'm sure you guys can relate to that - you know you want to lose weight but getting there can be a love/hate relationship and you forget why you even want to get there. I have still lost weight, gained muscle, decreased my body fat, made gains to my cardiovascular and physical health, but I do have a ways to go (about 15-20 pounds of fat). I thought this might give me the extra boost I need. The chance to give me a fresh start, and the chance to fight for my goals! Even if I don't win (I don't plan on "dieting"), I figure if I can get 5-8 pounds closer to my goal I will be a winner! That's not counting the 5+ pounds of strategy weight hahaha.

The current plan, unless you guys have better ideas:

-30 minutes of brisk walking on lunch break
-120 minutes of cardio/strength alternating muscle groups 6 days a week
-Eat net 1200-1330 calories
-Drink as much water as possible
-Basically clean eating

On the weigh in yesterday I drank a ton of water before hand, and had super salty Five Guys Burgers and Fries Sunday night, so I am already 4 pounds lighter than I was yesterday! Any tips would be appreciated, though please keep the hating to a minimum! I do plan on keeping it off, and continuing my journey after this month, but just in a less intense fashion.


  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I am not a big fan of weight loss competitions. I think they set an unhealthy precedent.

    As you get closer to your goal, losing fat becomes more difficult. The best method I've learned is to zig-zag your calories. You can lose 1-2 lbs./week of fat by zig-zagging your calories. Up one day, down the next.

    Your caloric intake should not be an arbitrary number. It should be based on your goals, current weight, body composition, and daily activity level. It's a relatively simple formula.

    Message me or friend me if you have any questions.
  • dcdc13
    dcdc13 Posts: 86
    Hi!, I've done weight loss competitions before with other people and for myself. it's a great motivator! Especially if you want it. Just think what that $100 could get you, a new pair of shoes, makeup, a hot dress. Congrats on losing 44lbs! WIsh you luck!! !
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    I did one with 22 people at work. First prize was $350, second $50, third $25. Entry fee $25 (some obviously did not pay up or dropped out early). It was a great motivatior! It's what gave me the drive to do so well. I lost 22lbs in the 10 weeks. I ate 1200 cals + exercise cals and did not go crazy. The man who won lost 42lbs in 10 weeks but he was on an 800cals a day diet and worked out a lot. He is the only one in the competition who did it unhealthy though. I came in second, which I never thought I would.

    Anyway, it was a great motivator and everyone at work was more health conscience and that helped. I would suggest it, just don't go crazy trying to win ;)

    Good luck!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks for the replies so far!
    Natskedat: definitely as I get closer I would love to hear more of your tips about zig zagging and what not!
    dcdc13: Thanks! I definitely do want it, it could go towards my credit card bills haha!
    SarahR1984: Congrats on your loss, it sounds like it was a great thing for you, and you did it a healthy way!

    I think my +5 pounds of strategy water weight may give me a really good chance. Me and my fiance are having a side bet between the two of us. The loser has to clean the spare bedroom LOL