I can do it this time!

MrsEmbree Posts: 3 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Well for starters I am 25 and a General Manager of a Five Guys Burgers and Fries (tell me that doesn't totally suck for weight loss lol). My best friend recently lost over 75 lbs with a personal trainer and has been such an inspiration to me to begin a new healthy lifestyle. I've been getting a little down in the dumps since I cannot afford the $500 a month to get a personaly trainer at the gym she works out at, but I am going to do this the old fashioned way. With a little calorie counting and a whole lotta walkin'! I would sure like to meet some awesome people out there that are going through the same weight battle as I am. It would be great to go through this journey with like-minded people :)


SW: 183
GW: 155 (by 9/6/11 MY BDAY!!!)


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    You *will* do it this time!!

    GET IT GIRL!!!

    I'm behind you 100%!!!
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    One yes and one no at a time.
    Yes, I can do this
    No, I won't lose hope.
    Good luck! Welcome! and Glad you are taking this step toward being the you you deserve to be.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Emily,
    You CAN do this. Take it slowly, don't expect it to fall off overnight. Eat well, eat your calories and your exercise calories. This works, I am proof. I came on here (again) to prove to myself that I needed gastric bypass (even though I am not a candidate!!!) and that I was a weight loss failure. Turns out I can lose weight, one small victory after another. The weight I have lost so far has actually been just since Christmas. I aim for 5 lbs a month, small amount, but I doubit the weight will find me again (let's hope!)!
  • Angelalmn
    Angelalmn Posts: 8
    Good on you for taking the step to a healthier lifestyle.

    You definitely can do it!!! Take it slowly and try to alter your bad habits one at a time. I found that gradually changing my eating habits rather than changing everything all at once worked so much better.

    I go for a 1 1/2 hour walk first thing in the morning. I found that if a laid in bed thinking about all the hills I had to climb, I would always decide not to go. "I'll go tomorrow" I thought and tomorrow never came. Don't think about the exercising you're about to do just do it! Release your robot mind lol.

    Good luck:-)
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