Just saying hi and other stuff women may like to read!

WOW! I just added all the food I've eaten and what I intend to eat for dinner and im OVER 1237 calories! YIKES!!!!! I have gained and gained and gained in the last 9 months! I started a recovery program for alcohol and other addictions that have been literally KILLING ME and wow did I ever replace it with food! I still know that my other addictions are life threatening and although this one is too, its not killing me as quickly as the others were! They will still be my primary focus!
However, I do believe that with me realizing I am truly powerless over my food choices and with help from my Life Recovery Bible I can also make better choices with food, just as I have with my life and other choices! It does come down to a CHOICE even with addictions! Theres no easy way out! Its one choice at a time! One day at a time and sometimes one HOUR at a time! One time driving BY McDonalds without driving THRU McDonalds!

I know I may not be where I want to be but its better than where I've been!

Thank you jumprecovery.org for everything! Jesus ROCKS!


  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    Well God bless you and best wishes to you on all your small steps and successes in all of your journeys! <3:)
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU!!! Always so inspiring to hear about someone taking control back of their life =) Know you can do it!!!!!
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    Good for you!! Making all these changes for the better! You will live longer, be happier and healthier! The road is long, but worth the results!! God Bless You!
  • KandiLicious
    KandiLicious Posts: 210 Member
    Also discovering your faults is a huge first step and admitting them to yourself!!! Wow what a big step you have taken. I wish you all the best and know if you put your mind to it and believe that He has a plan for you then you will go far.
  • mseab71
    mseab71 Posts: 69 Member
    I am so happy to hear that you are making choices that will impact your life mentally, physically, and spiritually!! Will be praying for success in all the goals you are pressing toward! God Bless You!!!

    *Feel free to add me if you like :smile: