The First 10

My girlfriend told me about this site and I LOVE IT! I would like to lose 20lbs, but I thought I would start at 10 and go from there. I didn't want to set my goal to high and then be disappointed. I have two girls and I don't want them to grow up with the same bad habits I did, junk food, no exercise, and fried foods. The only thing I'm looking for is an area with quick simple real recipes. Recipes that have ingredients I can buy at the local store, not a speciality store.


  • pojo30
    pojo30 Posts: 62
    My girlfriend told me about this site and I LOVE IT! I would like to lose 20lbs, but I thought I would start at 10 and go from there. I didn't want to set my goal to high and then be disappointed. I have two girls and I don't want them to grow up with the same bad habits I did, junk food, no exercise, and fried foods. The only thing I'm looking for is an area with quick simple real recipes. Recipes that have ingredients I can buy at the local store, not a speciality store.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    That's fabulous!!! Welcome!

    I say shoot for the full monty, if your comfortable with it, as does research. MSN Health posted that women (I know, but it works for both sexes!) that set their weight goals high, were more successful than those who set them too low.

    I have noticed the difference in my attitude when I want to "just feel better" and "I don't want to be a size two" versus looking in a fitness magazine and going "I want that body!"

    Whatever you do, you're doing a great thing here. Just stepping into this community gives you a push that you wouldn't believe! Just remember this quote from William Durant when you start getting down on yourself:

    "Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it."

    Best of luck!
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    Hi! I just started too! Try You can find anything there. You can narrow your search by ingredient, and every recipe I've used from there has Nutrition Facts posted.
  • geanieb13
    :explode: I have been doing very good the past three weeks, until now. i am visiting my in-laws for two weeks in texas, and all they do is feed me, i try to workout, but its too hot unless you go out at night, ugh, i can't wait to get home.