Stuck not losing! I need advice please.

Hi so I have been on here for like 2 1/2 months or so and I started with 1200 calories and was so excited cause I lost ten pounds in like 2 to 3 weeks. Then I was stuck for like 2 weeks so I uped it to 1330 and lost like 7 more pounds in 3 to 4 weeks. I am at 195 and so confused last week on friday before I went on a camping trip for the weekend I weighed myself and I was at 191. After I returened I was at 196 and now Im stuck there again. Do I up my calories I am doing between 1200 to 1290 but I am still hungry? It is so discouraging to me. I think I may have gave it a little more effort in the begining with the exercise and stuff. I just need some advice plz! thx :sad:


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    why did you choose 1200 cals?

    what you really need to do is find your BMR and reduce your cals from there. the whole 1200 thing is a myth, if you think that is where you have to start or where you cant go below because of the starvation mode myth. listen..everyone is different, our metabolisms are different. our bodies adapt very easily to what we do to it. meaning whatever you eat now your body will eventual adapt. that is why changing the cals up or down will/may kick start weight loss again. (as long as you are under your BMR). Same with exercise..the more we do the more efficient we become.

    so..that being said what you need to do is take a break. keep eating at reduced cals, but stop working out for a few weeks..let your body de-adjust. Then hit it again. if you feel hungry at 1200 cals then eat more. There is no sense in feeling hungry. Just stay below your BMR...and dont eat back your exercise cals.

    remember its all about switching it up every few months. dont get discouraged if you dont lose weight one week..hormonal fluctuations, bloating etc can throw off our weight too.

    just keep at it..and dont get discouraged..remember its not all about losing weight, but being healthy

    ps..2 and half months is nothing compared to the over all time it takes to lose weight. you have to give yourself time and have patience. weight doesnt come off over night..sometimes it takes years
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    what you really need to do is find your BMR and reduce your cals from there. the whole 1200 thing is a myth, if you think that is where you have to start or where you cant go below because of the starvation mode myth. listen..everyone is different, our metabolisms are different. our bodies adapt very easily to what we do to it. meaning whatever you eat now your body will eventual adapt. that is why changing the cals up or down will/may kick start weight loss again. (as long as you are under your BMR). Same with exercise..the more we do the more efficient we become.

    Eating below BMR is dangerous, and NOT necessary for weight loss. BMR is what you burn each day just staying alive, as if in a coma. You need a deficit from MAINTENANCE CALORIES, NOT BMR. Maintenance calories is BMR + Daily Activity Level. It includes accounting for what you burn in daily activity, such as cooking dinner, watching tv, what you do for work, etc.

    Most people should NOT eat less than BMR on a daily basis.
  • crystl2critt
    crystl2critt Posts: 5 Member
    Thx! I am just a very impatient person thats the problem. I do think that the weight ups and downs since my camping trip aweeek ago may be like my period and bloating but cldnt reall tell ya cause I have the mirena so I dnt really get periods. But I do know ever since I did get it I gained over 10 pounds. which totally sucks. I was also thinking it may have something to do w me being on a baked potatoe kick 1tbsp butter 50 cal and 2 tbsp sour cream 60 cal and I love it Im not sure where the potatoe falls if its good or bad for me. So I think I well up my calories and try not to stress. Maybe :wink:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thx! I am just a very impatient person thats the problem. I do think that the weight ups and downs since my camping trip aweeek ago may be like my period and bloating but cldnt reall tell ya cause I have the mirena so I dnt really get periods. But I do know ever since I did get it I gained over 10 pounds. which totally sucks. I was also thinking it may have something to do w me being on a baked potatoe kick 1tbsp butter 50 cal and 2 tbsp sour cream 60 cal and I love it Im not sure where the potatoe falls if its good or bad for me. So I think I well up my calories and try not to stress. Maybe :wink:

    Might help to read these threads to determine a healthy, realistic cal goal. Good luck to you!
  • chillijam1
    chillijam1 Posts: 62 Member
    hi dont get to down ,it could be a number of things for example 1. your body is adjusting to the weight youve lost quick so thats why youve stuck and you are loosing inches .2. your not being honest what your writing on your diary ,we can all kid ourselves from time to time but it does catch us up at some point,the only person your kidding is yourself. 3. check your calorie calculation on MFP you could have it set to high ,have you got it set to recommended a pound a week loss? plus when you are loosing the weight are you going on your settings after youve lost weight,because it doesnt reduce it unless you do this on the day youve lost weight,so it could be you are eating more calories than you should be.i weigh 191 and im given 1670 calories a day.
    hope this might help a little.add me as a friend if you like.
    good luck Debs :smile:
  • crystl2critt
    crystl2critt Posts: 5 Member
    Ok so it says my BMR is 1,631 and I set it to 1 pound per week which gave me 1540 I dont know but that just seems like a lot? YES NO
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Ok so it says my BMR is 1,631 and I set it to 1 pound per week which gave me 1540 I dont know but that just seems like a lot? YES NO

    No, it's not a lot. I eat way more than that and I lose 1 lb per week like clockwork (and know lots of others who do as well.) :wink:

    Just work on getting on a schedule - eat 3 meals and 2 snacks, all balanced in protein/fat/carbs. This helps prevent binges and feeling deprived. Make sure you get enough lean protein and healthy fats from natural oils (olive/canola), nuts and nut butters, avocadoes.

    ETA: Also, keep an eye on sodium and make sure you're drinking enough water. You may have some water retention if those have been out of line.