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Hi -- I am nearly 60, and Air Force Reservist and REALLY needing to lose 20 lbs. I've lost 4 in 2 weeks -- but dang, it's hard. I have two bad knees, a bad shoulder and and injured hand -- Yikes. I walk at a decent clip (til the knees hurt too bad) then slow down to get the 45 minutes in at least every other day. Weight training is very limited due to hand injury. I've tried to lose weight before w/ limited success. I love MyFitnessPal and hope it works. Any ideas on other fitness tips would help... Does yoga help w/ weight loss and where does a yoga dummy begin? I know 20 lbs would get the waist measurement I need so I can retire from the Reserves - on of my goals. :-) Thanks FitnessPal friends. NR


  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Welcome! You'll love MFP and all the support available on this site! If you have an aquatic center nearby, you may want to try some sort of water aerobics - easier on the joints. When I did it years ago, I had so much fun & you don't realize how much exercise you're really getting because of the "fun factor"!:flowerforyou:
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    My suggestion is swimming or another aquatic exercise activity. I believe they even have water rumba now.

    Yoga is great for strengthening. The muscle will help you burn fat. Your weight loss may be slower, but your body will shrink and you will go down in sizes.

    Good luck and welcome to MFP.