Hello, I new sort of

mtgal47 Posts: 17
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I have a total of 137 pounds to lose. I tried losing from December 31st until now and only lost about 13 pounds. So I am going to try using this program. Im a 61 year old female and I work out of my home as a medical transcriptionist. I don't get out a lot except for the "have tos" like getting groceries etc.

I have osteoarthritis and I walk with a cane....well thats about it..thanks...hope to lose...:laugh:


  • mtgal47
    mtgal47 Posts: 17
    Hi, I have a total of 137 pounds to lose. I tried losing from December 31st until now and only lost about 13 pounds. So I am going to try using this program. Im a 61 year old female and I work out of my home as a medical transcriptionist. I don't get out a lot except for the "have tos" like getting groceries etc.

    I have osteoarthritis and I walk with a cane....well thats about it..thanks...hope to lose...:laugh:
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    welcome! :) It's good to have you here. Best of luck on your goals -- we're all here to help!
  • mamajo
    mamajo Posts: 19
    :glasses: Welcome - I am "older" also - and have arthritis, etc. But, I have found that by losing weight slowly (about 2 lbs. a week) that I can add a little exercise at a time. I started out walking on a treadmill at 2 mph for 10 minutes and thought I would die - now I walk an average of 3.3 mph for about 60 minutes. Counting calories has always been an ordeal for me until I found MFP - they break it down so that even I can do it. Best of luck - everyone is here for support when you need it!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou: Remember every little bit you do is more than nothing. Take things one day at a time. Goodluck:drinker:
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    Hello and welcome, nice to have another "mature" lady on board ...hope you can achieve what you want :flowerforyou:
  • mknipp
    mknipp Posts: 106
    Hi and Welcome! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    I'm 63, have osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, & fibromyalgia. Had a fall Tuesday night that took out my exercises for awhile. Got my back x-rayed today, so hopefully, I'm not broken :sick:

    You'll love this site! I joined July 1 and have lost 14 pounds! Nice to have someone else counting the calories for you. We get so much positive support from the other members, too. We're like a family working together for the same goals.

    I'm sure you'll do great here. Oh, when I saw my rheumatologist yesterday, he noticed I'd lost the pounds and said that was a big step toward improvement in my overall health. I was feeling great until I fell! I tell everyone about this site. My doctor even wrote it down!

    Wishing you SUCCESS! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Freda
    Freda Posts: 15
    I lost a total of 114 pounds and have kept it off for 5 years. It has slowly gone up 15 pounds and getting that off has been a bigger challenge than the first time. I found that replacing my favorite items with the lower calorie / fat version made a huge difference and I did not feel like I was depriving myself of what I like. One other thing was liquid calories. Watch what you drink, alot of calories in juices, soda etc.

    Hope this helps a little bit. Losing weight is harder than quitting smoking so hang in there.
    Good Luck

  • Laynee
    Laynee Posts: 45
    Welcome from a fellow MT'er. I've been doing this for 2 weeks and it's the best thing I ever did for myself. I'm going to stick with it. I've found that one of the nice things about working from home is that I always have access to MFP and it's really not hard to keep track of food that way. You'll find some good support here. :smile:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the board! You will love it here. Congrats on your 13 already!
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