Friends come and go...

Neliel Posts: 507 Member
A rant. Getting some frustration out.

Friends come and go... Which is such a shame when you've had such a special connection to someone for over a year. She was someone I clicked with instantly and we were so close for ages. We talked all the time, always laughing and now it's as though I don't even know the girl...

Instead of me she hangs around with this other girl at Uni - which is fine by me. This other girl is lovely and I don't care who you spend your time with as long as we're still friends. But it seems as though since she's now joined at the hip with this other girl instead of me, she has absolutely no interest in ANYTHING I say to her anymore. I can be with those two and I'll try talking about something and the 'friend' will show no interest and will change the subject about something only those two would have been involved in.

Now, she knows i'm a straight-shooter. If you have a problem with me, come out with it - tell me to my face, I can handle it. But going around, PRETENDING that we're friends when it's plastered all over her face what your real feelings are just winds me up so bad! How someone's attitude can change like that is unbelievable. All of a sudden she's looking down her nose at me and acting as though she's too good to be my friend anymore. What the hell?!

Her attitude has changed before this too, and i've had to step in and give her a hard time to make her see what a DOUCHE she was being so that she didn't lose all of her friends - cos she was WELL on the way to that. And here she goes again - making me feel like I can't even talk to her anymore. I mean I wouldn't act like that towards anyone unless I HATED them. I mean REALLY didn't like them being around. So there is some huge problem here that she's far too much of a ***** to just come out and say to me. Looks like I'll be having a 'final confrontation' with her when I eventually see her sometime soon. I've had enough. And I don't think I have time for someone who is 21 and STILL hasn't fixed their own identity.



  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    You know what, dont even bother. Just move on from this and realize that you REALLY dont need these people in your life. Women can be b*tches. Its just a plain fact. (Hense why im friends with way more men than women). These types of people are not worth a second more of your time.
  • StartingOver4Me
    Friends come and friends go when we need them in our lives.

    Don't fret. It's someone elses turn to be there for you.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    I had something similar with two of my closest friends at college, and I was hurt pretty badly by it. However, you know something - move on. It isn't worth wasting your time and energy on someone who doesn't have the respect for you to be themselves, regardless of any outside or social influence.

    There are so many amazing people in the world, and you have to get to the point where you maintain your core of true close friends who you would trust with your life, and move on from those who are shallow, superficial, hypocritical, or any number of other things which have a negative influence on your life.

    Surround yourself with those you love and who love you unconditionally in return and your life will be richer and more amazing.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Haha, and apologies if that comes across as a bit Dr. Phil :) Just my honest outlook on life though.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Hmmmm, I'd say just for your own benefit, ask her if you have done something wrong. If she says no then try and let it be and move on. We are always growing and changing and friends often times do come and go. It can really suck. Hang in there!