Relaxation for Women

thust377 Posts: 13
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Women’s health, what a great topic. There are so many ways to address this idea to help us realize the power and joy we all have within ourselves. Relaxation is something we all should take more advantage of, but we as women find it much too easy to worry, often times about the silliest things. And when we aren’t stressing, we are leaving it bottled up inside for so long that eventually we erupt in angry outbursts. As women we find fault in everything we do, and then continue to badger ourselves afterwards. We find fault in what we eat, what we didn’t eat, how we look, what we say, and what our faces looked like when we said it. Relaxing sounds like a foreign concept with all the things we put ourselves through. Before writing this article I tried to think of ways I relax, and then proceeded to ask other woman how they relax. When asking other women, they would list of common relaxation techniques, like getting a massage or reading a book. But in the end, each and every woman I talked to would conclude by saying; “I don’t really have any idea how to relax”. So how do we teach ourselves to relax, and can we?

Life can be very overwhelming and tedious. There are many ideas that you can find listed on the internet as ways to relax. We have to ask ourselves the question what causes the most stress in our life, what do we like to do, what makes us smile and laugh, when are the moments in our days that make us feel complete, content, and happy.

Instead of working ourselves crazy, we need to let go of the million things that are running through your heads, stressing us, and we need to find time to relax and enjoy the fact that life has great ways of surprising us. Try these steps to help you find peace and teach yourself to relax.

• Take a long warm shower or bath. It’s a great way to relax your mind, clear your mind of all negative thoughts. Hum your favorite song and lather with your favorite scent.
• Listen to music that relaxes you. Music soothes your brain and will send signals to the rest of your body that is good for your heart and soul.
• Go for a long walk. Listen to the sounds of the birds, enjoy the fresh air and give thanks for all the positive things in your life.
• Go to the park and – SWING – feel the air cut through your hair. Be a kid again.
• Take a nap. When y our feeling warn down, overwhelmed, or just tired. Give your body and mind a break. You will come back refreshed and energized.

Don’t forget to take time for yourself, so many of us, myself included, forget or “don’t have time” to do the things that help us find peace and help us deal with the stress of every day life. A relaxed mind is essential in creating creative ideas; so make sure you indulge yourself. We all have so many things to be grateful for, find the things that make you happy , and enjoy them any chance you get!


  • Momcharisma88
    Momcharisma88 Posts: 94 Member
    i love going to the park and swinging and since my princess is small enough she can sit on my lap its a win win situation
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