Obese Because I'm Depressed & Drepressed Because I'm Obese



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The one thing proven to have an effect on both depression and body shape/size is exercise. How do you do it when you are having a hard time getting out of bed?

    -Think of something you remember enjoying.
    -If it is something simple, like taking a walk in a park, force yourself to do it. Convince yourself that it will bring back those feelings of enjoyment (it will....eventually). You don't have to speed walk. Wander through the park, try to put yourself aside for a few minutes and just notice what is there - flowers, bees, children playing.
    -If it is something more complicated, like a team sport or mountain climbing. Set goals. I know, reaaalllllyyyyyyy hard when you are depressed. The difference is, paying the electric bill on time will not actually have much of an effect on your depression itself (not paying the bill may make things worse, but that isn't much of a motivation, since you can't really imagine things getting much worse). Getting back in shape to get back to the things you enjoy will actually affect the depression.
    -If you can't come up with anything you remember enjoying, you have to go hardcore and force yourself to try something new. Look for activities in your area that it is nearly impossible to be depressed doing. My hula hoop teacher swears that hooping changed her life because she couldn't possibly be upset or sad in that circle. No really, go out and get an adult hula hoop, put it on the ground and sit inside the circle. That is your bubble, where you are safe. Build your life from there.

    PS - you should consult with a medical professional, anti-depressants are a useful tool in living a balanced life when used properly.