weight watchers drop out!

an25drea Posts: 6
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I am super excited that this site is free along with the app!! I currently tried ww for 8 weeks with a small success, the same I have had on here in my first week! I am completely excited to join this community!


  • Lightjulesloves2run
    Lightjulesloves2run Posts: 91 Member
    Did WW 6 times and never have had the success like I am now. Super easy...and fun! Enjoy the site!!!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Yay! Congrats, and welcome! :)
  • LMG0511
    LMG0511 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm also a WW drop-out! I did WW and LOVED the momentum plan, but was GAINING with this new plan. I love MFP. Welcome!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I did WW for years and did lose some weight, but not as much or as fast as I've lost it here. And God knows how much money I put out for WW during that time. I think this site is awesome and glad I found it too. Good luck!
  • Gabby215
    Gabby215 Posts: 69
    I am also a WW drop out! I was getting sick of paying for something that kind of worked and kind of didn't. After I first discovered MFP I did a week experiment where I continued to follow WW, but I entered everything into MFP and it turns out I was massively under-eating. So the next week I followed MFP exclusively and lost 2 pounds - bye bye WW! I love MFP because I feel that I have better control over what I am put into my body. I like seeing the makeup of food and seeing how many carbs, grams of protein, etc something has. I was starting to feel annoyed that Points was worked out with this secret formula that we didn't have access to! I also find everyone on this site really supportive and there's a lot of great information on here too. Anyway, good luck on your journey!!!!
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    Same here :smile:

    Seems to be a common problem.
  • lucamp
    lucamp Posts: 29 Member
    Very interesting topic because I was always a supporter of Weight Watchers because I felt it was helping you make healthier choices but not some kind of fad diet. I am now a drop out as well. MFP has been easier and I tend to log my food and exercise better here. I do really like MFP and especially like to see the success stories because they are very motivating.
  • tiffph
    tiffph Posts: 3
    Same here!! No matter how many times I joined WW I was never able to lose more than 5 pounds. In the few weeks I have been here (with a 2 week break for some reasons) I was able to double the loss with MFP.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm also a WW drop-out! I did WW and LOVED the momentum plan, but was GAINING with this new plan. I love MFP. Welcome!

    Same with me! i signed up for 3 months and when my eating plan had me gain 10 pounds in a month i was done with that.... wasted $50, but i guess you live and learn. The new plan had me eating WAYYYYYY too many calories since fruits and veggies were free points
  • an25drea
    an25drea Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone for the welcomes and weighing in on ww :) Every program is set up different, I just love that this gives one freedomto see what is working/not and no "secret formula" point system! I am still taking something with me from the ww site, each week I am going to set a new healthy goal to introduce into my new me lifestyle, even if it is as simple as taking a multivit, drinking 8 glasses of water, strength training, quitting splenda... the list goes on! but it is a list that will be conquered. I did not get myself here in a day and want to continue to make better lifestyle choices to whole heartedly embrace my inner skinny!
  • I am also a WW drop out! I had a huge (pun intended) success in 2003 and dropped about 40 lbs. But then I had three more kids, got divorced, got married, changed jobs etc and could never work WW back into my life. The newess of the program was just gone for me. PLUS I began to realize that a lot of the foods they were promoting were way processed.

    I am absolutely loving MFP. I've told SO many people about it!!
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    I did WW also, but saw minimal success. My real success of 30lb lost really came with me working out and just making better/smaller choices of food intake. However, I have plateaued (sp?) and hope MFP gets me going again. I just joined last week and today, I asked for people to help motivate me into working out again. I love seeing exactly what happens with my choices of foods, exercises, and plan out the day exactly. Please friend me if you like. Starleng
  • julzband
    julzband Posts: 5
    This is a great site and if we use it we will be successful! Welcome!
  • Tmrice721
    Tmrice721 Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome! I'm a WW drop out too, I had great success with WW and learned a lot about healthy eating. I love the community here at MFP you will find great support and advice. Good luck!
  • I recently joined myself and I love it! The mobile app is awesome and convenient. Welome to MFP. :) Fee free to add me - we can motivate each other. Good day!
  • i am also a ww drop out twice, although i lost alot the first time i did it and managed to stay fairly well, i need a boost and i hope this is the place! hello everyone!
  • an25drea
    an25drea Posts: 6
    Hello! :)
  • jill5280
    jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
    While I had good success with WW....twice (first time in the 1980s lost 60 lbs and got my lifetime membership and then again a couple years ago I lost 80 lbs) I am ready to move on from there. I think that WW is good for helping people visualize good eating habits and you CAN lose weight with them, obviously, I did. Having said that, once you have trained yourself using WW there comes a time when you have to "go it alone." Whiel WW has the lifetime thing for those going to meetings, they do not have that for the online version, so to keep using the VERY PROPRIETARY points system, you must keep paying. So, this is a good next step for me. Learning what the nutrition values for foods (vice knowing points only) is going to carry me through to a healthy weight and a realistic plan to maintain that healthy weight into the future.
  • kyleeann15
    kyleeann15 Posts: 18 Member
    wow! What a common theme for sure...add one more WW drop out for me! I did lose 14lbs in 3 months and have stayed at this current weight and I have been doing this for 3 weeks....kind of frustrating but I like and I think its all about getting into the swing of a new plan :-) Go us!
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