Do you Work out at home?



  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    If I had to go to a gym, I'd never do it. At home I use my treadmill for c25k and do the 30 Day Shred. Out in the garage, my hubby has a couple benches, free weights, dumbbells ranging from 2-60lbs, a pull up station thing (not that I can do pull ups, but if I ever get the urge to try, it's there), a ball and weighted balls. We also have the wii fit and kinect.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Last time I was skinny I hit the Gym five days a week, 2 hours a day all before work. I'd get up, get my tracksuit on then drive 30 minutes to the Gym, work out, get dressed and then have breakfast before heading off to work. Fit as a butchers dog but I never saw my family.

    Now I work out at home and it only take an hour or so before I'm chilling out with the family. I have a big set of dumb bells, chin up bar, press up bar things and a decent mat (6' by 4'). I have P90x I'm working through and Insanity ready to go when I finish that.
  • Rach911
    Rach911 Posts: 72 Member
    I do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, stationary bike and walking the dog at home in the morning. Then at night afterwork I hit the gym (usally 3-4 nights a week). It was hard getting started at home, but now that I have developed a schedule, on the days I miss it due to an early appointment or life getting in the way I feel out of sorts!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I walk on my lunchbreak... everything else is done at home.

    A couple of dumbells (not much use anymore, 2-5lbs and 2-12lbs)
    Resistance bands
    exercise ball (also desk chair)
    doorway chinup bar
    My body
    My 25 lb. daughter
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Add me to the chorus of "if I didn't work out at home, I wouldn't do it". I've never had a gym membership for a variety of reasons, the chief being that my spare time is finite and there are other things that I'd rather do with it than schlepping back and forth to a gym. At home, I'm done with my workout in 30-60 minutes and that's the extent of my time commitment. My body doesn't know the difference anyhow..

    My apartment complex has a gym that's open 24 hours and is all of a 90 second walk from my front door. I've used it occasionally, but it gets old real fast. If I had to actually go somewhere totally away from home to workout, it wouldn't be happening. I'm not anti gym by any means, but it's not for me. My bestie is the exact opposite and needs the gym for motivation.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I don't have a gym membership cuz the closest one is 40 minutes away but my friend does (because unlimited tanning is included and its $20 a month, so she got it just for that!) She can bring a friend for free too, so I went with her and I loved it. I found myself working harder to get that last rep in cuz I thought people were looking.

    At home I have a treadmill, elliptical, recumbent bike, ball, mat, rebounder, interval timer, fitdecks, resistance bands, 4 sets of dumbells, kettlebell, and bowflex/AKA waste of money (I don't like it). If I used all that I would be ALL set, but I find every excuse in the book not to.....
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    I do. I have a treadmill and 5, 8, 10, 12 lb dumbbells, and various dvds. My next investment will probably be adjustable dumbbells
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I do on my off days from tkd or personal training....I have a few different work out dvd's (jillian micheals, jackie warner, billy blanks, jerri love)..we have weights..I will do push ups etc..and I like to walk :)
  • carin_cress
    carin_cress Posts: 21 Member
    Yes I do workout at home. I used to go the gym twice a week for a total toning class, it was great but it stopped over the summer months and I never continued. Then I tried Turbofire and I workout 6 days a week at home and the results are 100x better. I love it. If my local gym had a Turbo Kick class once a week I would go for the social interaction. I love working out at home. :smile:
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    I have worked out at the gym and at home and prefer home. I will still periodically go to the gym with a body building buddy when he comes to town however I have no problem staying motivated.

    I have around 600 lbs of metal weights; 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 25 and 50 lbs increments.
    I have 4 bars/collars for dumbbell lifting.
    I have 2 bars/collars for barbell lifting.
    1 have 1 EZ-Curl bar.
    I have a Northern Lights Olympic Incline/Decline Bench
    I have the Northern Lights Bench Press Safety Bar attachment (allows me to lift till failure with safety)
    I have the Northern Lights Peck Deck attachment; though haven't used for years.
    I have the Northern Lights Olympic Squat Rack attachment
    I have the Northern Lights Leg Curl/Extension attachment
    I have the Northern Lights Preacher Curl attachment
    I also have a Nitroflex machine that I use for some lifts such as tricep pressdowns, weighted dips, lat pulldowns, etc.

    The thing with home equipment you have to invest money. You have to buy good equipment that will last and you can grow with. With working out at home you need to stay motivated, work with intensity and find ways to continually grow. These are not easy things by any means but I've been successful for over 13 years.
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    I workout at home. Tends to fit my schedule better for now. Treadmill, free weights, bench, etc.. Picking up a full rack tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait for that!

    Really isn't much you can't do at home with simple weights. Here's a good example:
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    With free weights you have just so many options as you can easily change things up. With machines you get defined in a set pattern and can easily grow beyond them. The goal is to continually always challenge your body and with free weights you just have more flexibility and you use more stabilizer muscles. Don't get me wrong, machines have their place and are very beneficial but more beneficial when incorporated with free weight exercises.

    The one downside with free weights is safety. Many of us working out at home do not have spotters. This can limit what you lift and can impede your growth. I always push it and try to do is as safely as possible however there is always that looming chance if not paying attention it could mean trouble. With machines you do not have to worry about it and why can be ideal for home use.

    One of my exercises is the Dumbbell Pullover. This is where you lie on the bench and lift a dumbbell above your head and reach back as far as you can and then return it to the starting position. This is one of a couple of different exercises where I wish I had a spotter. For instance last night my warm-up was 104 lbs x 12, my intermediate work-out was 114 lbs x 12 and my working set was 124 lbs x 9 (to almost failure). These type of weights could easily crush my head or rip tendons and why cannot go to failure.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I work out at home and outside walking.
    DVD's and the Wii Fit Plus.
    Dance 2

    Try to get in as much exercise as I can.:bigsmile:
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    The one downside with free weights is safety. Many of us working out at home do not have spotters.
    That's why I'm getting the rack. I can't push myself without the fear of being crushed.
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    For my bench I have the spotters which allows me to bench to failure with safety however any lifting over my head with barbell or dumbbells, this is where a spotter could come in handy. Nothing available that I know to avoid this.

    When you get your rack, post a pick up as would be interested to see it. I have a squat rack which is awesome however you still need to stick the weight back on the rack.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You really have three safe choices for barbell exercises at home; Full cage/rack, half cage/rack or a squat rack, all of which (referring to the styles not brands) have the option of spotter arms. These will range from about $200 to $1000 for non-commercial use products. In many cases these type of spotter arms are actually safer than using a partner as your spotter. A person can stare off into space or have slow reflexes; the bars will stay exactly where you put them.

    Also lifting over your head (standing) is completely safe without a spotter because you are not “stuck” under the bar; if you lose it just move. For seated overhead work, if you have the right kind of rack, just set your spotter arms higher.

    The only time a partner/spotter comes in handy, at least for me is to help complete the last couple of reps on some exercises when you are using max effort.
  • TrinityPixie4
    TrinityPixie4 Posts: 109
    I do. I have a workout DVD (Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred) and within a few months I'm going to be getting either P90X or Insanity. Most likely P90X. I also walk around my complex, sometimes I jog (it all depends on what mood I'm in). I also want to get a treadmill, so on cold days I can walk or jog inside. I'm getting my family a set of bikes so we can travel without spending so much on gas prices and get exercise.
  • TrinityPixie4
    TrinityPixie4 Posts: 109
    Oh, I also have Xbox Kinect. I have Kinect Adventures and Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout. I plan on getting a dance game, just not sure which one. Tried the Zumba demo and that didn't work out, so I might go with Dance Central.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I workout at home. I have my treadmill and Wii EA Sports Active 2. (And others, but that's the one I'm using most now)