look better naked diet

so i just started the look better naked diet by the women health magazine editor. i was wondering if anyone else is doing the same diet? i would like someone to be able to discuss it with and share pointers or troubles. i am so excited about this diet it is a good one.


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The only LBN diet I do is Paleo/Primal Blueprint :)
    Jus' sayin'
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    never heard of it, but would love to hear more!
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Its great if you have a "few" pounds to lose, by that I mean less than 8-5. Its got great workouts to lean you out, but if you are looking for weightloss over 10 pounds......

    Stop dieting, stop looking to books to help you. Just eat clean and portion correctly. Those books and fad diets like pealo, dukan and atkins are great for a while, but you can't live on those forever.
    At first a diet can give you a sense of control. You are taking charge of your eating patterns. You may see success as the scale drops. But soon you are fighting cravings for forbidden foods, as well as hunger pangs and a lack of energy from the lower calorie level. Eventually you rebel against the diet and start "cheating." If your cheats are small you can still be losing weight, although more slowly. But soon you may go into full rebellion and return to your old eating habits.

    Studies are finding dangers in the yo-yo diet cycle of losing weight, gaining it back plus a little more, losing, and gaining again. It is stressful on the body systems to have wide swings in body weight. We think each time that this time we won't gain it back, but the statistics show that most of us will.
    Yo-Yo Dieting May Weaken Immune System
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    No, but it could be an interesting read.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Are there pictures?
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    Are there pictures?
    I knew that would be what you would ask!! LMAO!!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Are there pictures?
    I knew that would be what you would ask!! LMAO!!

    You can depend on me. I'm consistent.