Did you always have a weight problem or no?

yankeefamily05 Posts: 657
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I was just thinking about this. Alot of people I see on MFP, Have said that they have had a weight problem their whole lives? Am I the only one that really hasn't....I was always told as a child/teenager that i was fat/chubby etc...But looking back on it now, I wasn't and my doctors were never concerned. I am thinking this may be one of those things that drove me to where I am today!!! When I graduated HS I was 160lbs (perfect weight for my frame and height), 2 years later 180, Before I became pregnant I ballooned to 230!!!!


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Well im only 19 xD but up until freshman year of college I was chubby! About 145 and did NOT carry my weight well xD
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497

    No you are def not the only one. I have never had a problem with my weight. I just ate a little too much this last Christmas season because of family issues. I was not even overweight then. I just wanted to lose that unwanted weight.
  • krisney
    krisney Posts: 56
    I've been chubby almost my whole life. For me thinner is definitely the exception, never the rule. It's hard to get used to being lighter...started this journey at 238, CW 153.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My weight problem started with puberty. I was always a skinny child with endless energy. But once I became chubby, I've really always been so.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    except for a brief time when a school friend made a comment- I never thought about weight. I was always heavier framed but a healthy weight (irish frame). Not till after marriage, after the pill, after the thyroid problem, did I gain. Now I have wasted a decade being over weight and I resent it.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    everytime i went to the doctors i was told to lose weight -even when i was in the normal weight BMI category. I used to think i was fat, now i want to be that size! lol!
  • Never had a weight problem, stayed pretty much the same weight since being a teenager, obvs put on weight when pregnant but I lost it all in about 4 months (lots of hard work in the gym though I might add).

    Now I think my metabolism has slowed down now that I am in my mid twenties or something, I can no longer eat what I want without thinking and do no exercise! I put on 20 lbs between Oct and Dec 2010. WTH, I know.

    I don't look 'fat' now - I just am unhappy with the wobbliness and cellulite and the fact that I gained 2 dress sizes so none of my nice clothes that I so lovingly spent my student loan on fit!

    So that's why I am here, to get back to being slim and gorgeous!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    No I didnt have a weight problem till I had my son and twins...I use to stay around 125-130...but I gained like all these pounds and back to losing once again. Its just an up and down thing really. lol
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I just never really cared before. I was pretty much always out of shape. I blamed my asthma for lack of exercise. I was probably in the normal weight range until about college, and then started gradually gaining weight till I became pretty plump. And this lasted into my 30's where I finally turned it all around.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I weighed over 9lbs when i was born and have been fat/chubby ever since. I was only about 15-20 over weight as a child but as soon as I got into junior high is just went up, and up....until now :)
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Nope. I was pretty slim up until 18. At 18 I started gaining a bit of weight after breaking my toe and starting a job that required me to work late hours. The heaviest I was then was 140 and that was like 'obese' in my eyes. But it was so easy to lose the weight and maintain it. So 120/125 was my regular weight. Then at 23 I started dating my husband and lost a few pounds for the wedding. I think I was 116 then. I did a lot of ab work, a lot of pilates and TaeBo. As soon as I got married, no joke, I started to steadily gain. I think I was back in the 140s when I got pregnant with my first. Gained tons of weight. Lost some of the weight after having her and got to my lowest of 132, I think. Started to gain weight again, then got pregnant for a 2nd time and boy was I fat. My heaviest was 183 or 186. And from Oct 'till now I have dropped the weight, thank God.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I never had a weight problem until I got married to my current husband. I guess I got comfortable and just started letting myself go. At my peak, I was 240 lbs and just got sick of looking at myself so I started changing things. Then I got pregnant with baby #3 and decided that I was going to take that opportunity to let my inner fat girl show. When I had him, I was 260 lbs and had gestational diabetes. Around then I decided that wasn't going to die of something that I could prevent so I lost 90 lbs and went on my way. Now I'm pregnant with baby #4 and I'm still going to the gym 3 times a week, I watch what I eat, and I'm confident that I'll get back to my pre-pregnancy weight after I have this little tater in 7 more weeks.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    no you are not the only one lol my family is the family that eats any thing and every thing and never gains weight lol we are all natural athletes and have always staid active.
    I am here dropping the baby weight. I gained near 50lbs with our daughter and lost 20lb the first year and totally staled out after that lol it has taken me 6 months to get off 25lb and I have 9 more to go :smile:

    I was the tall, lanky, skinny girl so I got picked on for those reasons lol but I was an athlete so I had other focuses. I am 6ft I weighted 145 in high school and after high school I dropped down to 132 for modeling. I hope to get back down to 145 but I am all about toning now. :glasses:
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451

    chubby baby, to chubby kid, to pudgy adolescent, to fat teen, to huge adult.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Never really had a problem until I started sitting at a desk for work :( And even then it wasn't terrible, but getting married and pregnant and too busy to cook ruined me! Getting back on track one day at a time!
  • starboardzor
    starboardzor Posts: 312
    I never had a problem, no. It was pretty much my transition into the military and all my past marital problems that sort of drove me into a 30 lb weight gain. I was just depressed and drank a lot and ate really awful. My first goal was to get back to pre-military weight and I've done it!

    My job before the miltiary also had me running around all day on my feet, so I stayed pretty thin and didn't have to watch what I ate. Now it's just one desk job after another until I get out. But I'm glad I got wise now instead of later... I'm sure 10 years from now weight loss would have been even harder. Now fitness and watching what I eat just comes natural to me and I don't see that ever changing.
  • schlubba
    schlubba Posts: 26
    I never did, I could eat and do anything I wanted and stayed skinny as a rail. I figured I musta worked my metabolism so hard that it gave up and quit because now I've more than doubled in size since I was a teen. Won't be but a year and I'll be back down again.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    My situation is the same as yours. I was not heavy as a child but told I was, which I believe contributed to the way I am now. However, things for me have changed a bit, now I have a problem with my thyroid so I think I'll have to be careful the rest of my life now.
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    I have not always had a weight problem. I used to weight about 133 without ever really trying...that was through about 2006/2007. I gained weight...lost it in 2008 then stopped working out and I've gained it back plus some...now here I am. It's hard knowing that I used to be one way and now I'm not. I actually hardly ever socialize anymore because I don't feel adequate. I used to be the "skinny" friend and the girl all the guys wanted to talk to (not that it matters anymore with my boyfriend but it's a nice ego boost! When I met him I was skinny and and he would brag about was how hot I was...he doesn't do that anymore) It's definitely led me to where I am because I didn't realize really that I was gaining weight while I was because I had this image of me and who I was and had been my whole life. And I think it makes it harder now because It's hard to accept that I really do have to change the way I do things and eat and everything when I didn't have to before. Granted I've struggled for about 5 years now...but that's 5 out of 27.

    But nope, you're not the only one
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    Pretty much all my life. Was a skinny toddler/preschooler, had my tonsils out (not sure how this has to do w/ weight), then gained weight. Was literally obese in HS and college (5'3", 185lb at my heaviest). Lost 50lb senior year (by switching from reg coke to diet coke, decreasing snacking and starting to exercise). Have regained weight here and there, now trying to get back down closer to my lowest (courtesy of WW after my first baby) weight of 125, currenlty 133.
  • bugabaer
    bugabaer Posts: 15
    My weight problems didn't really kick in until after I had my first child in 1999. Before thin, I was always kind of thin. Could eat anything I wanted pretty much. But when I delivered I was 180lbs. It took me a while to lose the weight, and when I finally did, I became pregnant with my son in 2002. I've been a size 12-14 ever since. I think I'm about 5ft 6. I've been 180lbs for the past year or so. I've lost about 10 lbs this year. (I've been vegetarian since Jan 2011) So now I'm hovering at 170lbs or so. So no, I didn't always have a weight problem, but a lot of my adult life (I will be 31 yrs on June 6 ) I've struggled. I'm not as active as I used to be, I drink way more than I used to, both of those things affecting my metabolism i'm sure. Well, I'm looking forward to being 150lbs or so again one day. I'll keep yall posted!

    thanks for listening :-)
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Nope, always ate whatever I wanted and it just burned off. Then I hit about 36, got really sick and lost way too much weight (intestinal issue), and gained it back quickly, had another bout two yrs later and gained it back again too quickly and now at
    40, have a belly and for the first time in my life am considered overweight according to BMI charts. Very hard to accept but am
    figuring either my metabolism got ruined forever from the rapid loss/gain or old age is setting in :mad:
  • I was perfectly fine until I gained weight when pregnant. I carried the 25 pounds of "baby weight" for 10 years, but it stayed steady, The last ten years has been a slow creep up of 30 more pounds. Last year I passed the 30 BMI number and I am now obese. Now my youngest baby is graduating high school. It is time to take care of myself. I will get the BMI back to overweight in another week or two.

    I know if I stick to what I am supposed to do, it will come back off and stay fairly steady. It is just a matter of sticking to it.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    nope, i was always in pretty good shape until about 21, then i began having serious relationships and the time that i normally spent in the gym, was spent on dates and all that stuff. my eating habits have always been terrible so that combined with less and less activity caused my high metabolism to slow down and i gained about 10 lbs a year, over the years it caught up with me
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I was never fat, but all the women in my family have struggled with eating disorders, and obesity thier ENTIRE lives, done the yo yo dieting

    you name a diet, they have done it!

    I just didn't want to suffer my whole life doing that, My senior year I noticed I had a problem because I was depressed and so I ate chocolate (my weakness) to battle that depression, after I graduated I started doing something about it! here I am, three years later, still improving my health and I am crazier about it now than I was when I was 15 pounds heavier...

    Its all about perspective, i joined this website for PREVENTION. and that is what I intend to do. I don't want to screw my hormones and chemicles and mind and body up to a point that they dont' know what signals to send where, so that is why I joined.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I never had a weight problem until I got depressed and began trying to eat my problems away. That was only a couple years ago and I gained SO much
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    i have been big my wholeee life...the first time i remember paying attention to pants size...i was a size 16-18 in 7th gradee!
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I wasn't ever really fat but even when I played soccer and ran track and whatever age I was. . I always hated my belly. I wasn't fat but never really had a waist. All my fat went to my belly or core area and I didn't like my shape. I didn't know how to lose weight except for running, but that never changed me enough.

    Doing low carb/low sugar PLUS learning how to work out with weights, cables, machines, etc. . THAT changed things for the better. I wish someone taught me that stuff in high school. I learned around age 28.
  • I was the person that could eat 2 whoppers and loose weight so when I got pregnant I thought nothing of it and ate WHATEVER I wanted. BIG mistake. Gained 60lbs and took me a year to slowly loose it. Was much more careful with my 2nd pregnancy and only gained 35 lbs but once I had her I only went down 15 lbs and I could never seem to loose the last 20 so here I am 3 yrs later loosing the last 20lbs plus 5 more that I put on. Boo for getting older and slower metabolism! lol
  • gardea
    gardea Posts: 75
    Nope. I was always thin. When I got married the first time I was about 130 and Im 5 ft. 3.5in. About 2.5 years into my marriage I got pretty unhappy. I was 21 and going to the bars and drinking and eating everything. I got up to 181 by the end of our 5 year marriage. I lost 40 lbs in a month drinking diet pepsi, exercising 2 to 4 hours a day, and smoking. My husband had cheated on me and the marriage was over. I couldn't make myself eat and was really depressed. The working out thing was only an avoidance of our home. I met my current husband in that stage and after a few months of dating and finding I could be happy again, I went up to 150 until I had our son about 2 years after we met. That got me up to 200 lb. Then I lost 20 lbs the right way and was 160 lb, but a size 8 when he finally talked me into getting married. I stayed at 160 until I had my daughter and got back up to 201. She is almost 3 and I have bounced back and forth between 190 and 200. In January, a patient at my office asked me when I was due. I decided to make a change right then and there, lol. Since the end of January I went from just about 200 down to 182 currently. I'd take 160 again, but would love to see if i can get to 140 again just for fun. I don't want to be thin-thin. I love my shapely curves, but I do want to be tight and fit again. I will get there. It will just take a little while.
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