Another new girl!

xxbeckybexx Posts: 8
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there, I signed up with MFP a few days ago after hearing about it on Minimins, another great site! I've been doing o.k ish so far but still got another 30 lbs to loose. Getting to that slightly bored stage so do need a good kick every so often to keep me going! I'm finding it really helpful and everyone seems really friendly and supportive. Have had a really tough time in my personal life this year so determined to look and feel fantastic by the summer! Please feel free to message me and I'll always reply.

Becky xx


  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    Good Luck with your weight loss and fitness goals !!!!

    If you need some extra support and motivation or even a guy's opinion, please feel free to send a friend request.

  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Welcome to MFP. Sounds like you've made a good start. I've not found anyone here who's not friendly or supportive and it's a great place for motivation and support.
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    This site is seriously AWESOME!!! It was a lifesaver for me because it taught me that its about a permanent lifestyle change instead of "dieting". =) Plus not only an you keep track of calorie intake and outtake with exercise, there is a HUGE support system!!! It is so nice to have people to keep you accountable! Best of luck to you!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Good Luck with your weight loss and fitness goals !!!!

    If you need some extra support and motivation or even a guy's opinion, please feel free to send a friend request.

    Ditto with what Mark said!!!!
  • LauriinSB
    LauriinSB Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome aboard!!
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Good Luck with your weight loss and fitness goals !!!!

    If you need some extra support and motivation or even a guy's opinion, please feel free to send a friend request.

    Ditto with what Mark said!!!!

    Wow, 102 lbs on your own, you are a fantastic inspiration!
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hello and welcome!
  • Virgo09
    Virgo09 Posts: 85 Member
    Good Luck! You will do fine!! I just started as well. Feel free to add me and contact me any time you want. We can motivate each other.
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