
would any of my fellow floridians or any one that can find the time and make the drive. be interested in an all family freindly weekend camping trip. there is a nice place in ocala (juniper springs) that has nice walking trails and a 5 mile conoe trip. or if anyone knows of a better more localized location. when we have gone before with large groups. we usually get one general site to hang out and cook at then every one can get their own site surrounding for privacy. just a thought. have a great nite and god bless.


  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    would any of my fellow floridians or any one that can find the time and make the drive. be interested in an all family freindly weekend camping trip. there is a nice place in ocala (juniper springs) that has nice walking trails and a 5 mile conoe trip. or if anyone knows of a better more localized location. when we have gone before with large groups. we usually get one general site to hang out and cook at then every one can get their own site surrounding for privacy. just a thought. have a great nite and god bless.
  • lmdeluca
    lmdeluca Posts: 21
    To bad your not in Arizona. I haven't been camping since my kids were little, it sounds like fun:smile:
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    i live in sumter county florida, my hubby and i sometimes go to alexander springs, also in ocala national park, its really close to juniper springs. it also has canoeing, swimming, scuba diving (gotta be certified though)(you can scuba dive into the under water cave were the aquifer cmes out , snorkling, REALLY REALLY COOL :glasses: and of course walking trails, and places to grill. I love how clear and beautiful the water is there, maybe we can drive up that way oneday. its only an hour and half drive for us. :happy: when were ya'll thinking about going....

    i noticed on your profile that your a deputy sheriff, my hubby wants to go into the law enforcement, he's having trouble with getting a grant though to help with schooling.
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    i know where that is. really another beautiful spring well worth visiting. as far as the dates. i guess it would have to be a group decision and depend on how many sites we needed to reserve. i think it would be loads and loads of fun and memories.

    off the subject though. u cant go wrong with law enforcement as a career good pay, great benefits and decent time off if you dont have court (not likely) but its overtime and dont mind missing holidays which u get payed double time and a half for. (see if he can get sponsored). i know in brevard county where im at, the sheriff just payed for 100 plus people to go through the academy, payed for thier state exam and payed them while in school. i beleive they were paying them like 13.00 hr to go to the academy full time and started them off at over 17.00hr once certified. i beleive u have to stay for 2 years though. the thing is not if he is ready, im sure he is, but are u ready. positivly your lives are going to change. it takes a very special woman (which im sure u are) to be an officers wife. he is not going to be home much and he is going to expierience and see things that people should not see. he will talk to other officers about it to clear and make it rite in his head, but he will not be able and should not talk to u about them. u have to let him keep his work life and home life seperate. his out look on life is going to change too. he will laugh while talking about things that most find disturbing and that nite mares are made of, but its not because its funny, its to help him cope with what he has seen. dont want to sound like im downing the career i love what i do and im sure he will be great at it also, but it is just the cold hard truth and facts. as u can tell i dont beat around the bush much.
  • alifelessevident
    hey bro, next time i'm down in ocala for at least a few days i'll let you know, i'd be all about camping out there. been a while since i've camped at juniper, or even alexander.
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    that would be great. its your old stopping grounds, so you could show me around.