Niacin!!! AAAARrrrrgh!

irridia Posts: 527 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
My doc wanted me to start a niacin regimine. (I think it was 1k mg/day, gotta call this afternoon to verify) I finaly got some last night and as w/all of my meds took it before bed. I knew it was going to cause flushing and some tingling. I was NOT prepared for the insane itching sensation ( I do have atopic dermatitis, excema and have had hives before) , I wanted to claw my skin off. It acutally felt like either hives or a chem burn.

I was wondering if maybe I could work out when it starts to hit, because I think it would help me ignore the sensation and of course busy my hands to keep me from scratching.


Cross posting under exerciese.


  • lstreeter
    lstreeter Posts: 2
    ask your doc about switching to SLO-NIACIN or potentially adding an 81mg Aspirin when you take it - that generally helps cut down the "flushing" symptoms.
  • lindainak
    lindainak Posts: 101
    Careful, I took three doses and ended up on the bathroom floor. Out like a light. The ER doc said he had the same reaction after one dose. I am allergic to aspirin also.

    My cholestrol is coming down by diet only:
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    STOP!!!! Do NOT take that medication again UNTIL you get your precious self back into that Doc's office. All that severe itching is a RED FLAG~~~~BIG TIME! You are ALLERGIC to that medication. Do NOT allow them to give you the song & dance about having you take another medication to cover up the itching reaction ( anti-histamine). That would be very bad medical advice.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Thank you everyone! The doc is actually prescribing it for bumping up my good cholesterol. I opted for OTC vitamin option. Thankfully there was no anaphalaxis involved. In fact, it was horrible at about 10.30 and by the time my kindergartener came in our room sick at 1am (not related just VERY unfortunate timing) the symptoms were gone. Diet hasn't helped thus far. I have oatmeal daily cod liver oil thrice daily, flax, trying to up leafy greens, eat only whole grain etc. Bad chol looks fine it the good that is concerning. Trying to get my peeps to eat salmon more but they just won't budge and i'm a weenie about cooking separate meals.
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