Going Abroad in 13 days-FOOD?

Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
Hello friends!

Ugh so this has been on my mind so much! I just WANT/NEEEED to lose this weight, so badly, as much as it shouldnt be the case, my happiness truly depends on it in so many ways. I have about 15-20 pounds to lose.

but anyway, to the point, I am going to go study abroad May17-June 13th, so almost a month. I am going to London, Scotland, Ireland n around the whales, and amsterdam. The last time I went to europe in 2008 (denmark sweden and germany) I ate a lot because I just wanted to try all thew new foods and restaurants. and Im going with a group of 12ish for school (its a photojournalism course) so most likely theyll be lots of dinner nights and bar nights. Summer comes RIGHT after I get back and then I start my Management Intership at Kohls. Its summer and like EVERYone else on this site, i wanna be able to dress like a lil hoochy if i want to ( i dont, but if i wanted to) I want to wear skirts and summer dresses and FITTED TANK TOPS! and also look professional during my internship.

is there anyone out there whos gone abroad but still lost weight? I'll be gone for almost 4 weeks, and it could either MAKE or BREAK me. I could either lose weight because I dont want to spend so much money on all these expensive restraurants, and ill be walking ALL day everyday on tours and hiking. Should i just order salads like everywhere i go aand drink lots of water? the water part would suck cause id have to go so often and who knows if where ill be has potttys.

Also, since i'll be out to eat literally everyday, I cannot count my calories, and being in such a place where im not familiar with the restaurants, i wont be able to look up calories.

has anyone gone on ANY vacation where you weren't able to look up cals? did you just go by your best judgement? lots of salad, grilled chicken and water, fruit n veggies or what?

anything will help, Im just trying to lose as much as possible this next 2 weeks before I leave, but then im almost like ugh well I may as well not becasue Im just going to gain it all back while im over there.

hmph!! --& feel free to add me :-) always looking for new friends and if you want to follow me on my adventures abroad, im hoping ill have internet so ill keep everyone posted on im handling it abroad :-)


  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I spent a semester in Bath England and I lost weight while I was there. Probably because I was actually eating but I was also walking A LOT and up hills and I ran etc. Just try to keep the portions in control and go walking : )
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    If you are walking everywhere, like people typically do in Europe, you can definitely give yourself some leeway and eat a bit more than normal. You are going abroad- you should enjoy yourself and not stress about it food so much, while not going completely crazy. Keep up the activity (even just the walking), and you obviously know the things that you can eat that will be good for (as you said, chicken, veggies, salad, etc.), but don't force yourself to eat only that. If you want pizza some night, you can have it, as long as it isn't *every* night. I think you'll be just fine, but you have to find a balance that works for you where you're happy with what you're eating while not depriving yourself or stressing yourself out. HAVE FUN! :flowerforyou:
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I used to live in Scotland for a few years and I weighed less then than I do now. That was despite all the pub nights, beer etc etc. I am sure it was because we walked everywhere. When I came home I put on 16 lbs in 3 months! And I was going out way less and cooking at home more because I had been gone so long I had lost touch with a number of my friends.

    You'll be fine. The best meal (as long as you are not on a low card thingy) is a jacket potato. It is a commen meal there and is basically a baked potato with whatever topping you ask for (tuna, sweetcorn, cheese etc etc). It is super filling and not too hard on the calories if you choose the right fillings.

    Just don't have a deep fried mars bar! :-) yes - they do have those there.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't panic, you'll find a wide variety of foods, you'll just need to look for smarter options at restaurants and watch your portion sizes. If you're out at the pub, have one or two alcoholic drinks and drink water or plain soda water inbetween.
    And you'll find plenty of toilets there too!
    You can still log what you're eating, just search in the database and you'll find something similar. This won't be perfectly accurate but gives you an idea of the cals.
    Have a great trip and a great summer, and try to get rid of the idea that losing weight will bring you happiness - losing weight makes your body smaller, it doesn't bring happiness in itself.
    PS. Are you going to Wales? Or to see whales? Might be worth finding out the difference!